Discussion: Rupert Murdoch: Fox News Harassment Scandals ‘All Nonsense’

Rupert Murdoch is a businessman - not a journalist - does not even slightly respect the concept of journalism - he identified a market segment (hateful mouth breathing morons angry at the world) and identified that they hated objective news - they wanted news that would make them happy - they wanted news that would tell them that their bigotry and prejudices were reasonable - and actually just fine. They were sick of getting messages that they were wrong when they had urges to abuse minorities - just because they did not like their looks.

So Murdoch became a news whore - he created a product that pandered to the bigotry & hate - and because this target audience craved being pleasured with news that only told them what they wanted to hear - Murdoch’s business was able to successfully exploit the bigots - journalism be damned,

I think more likely is that even now, Rupert Murdoch does not get it. Arrogant entitled evil old wrinkled prune face sonofabitch just does not get it. He has probably demanded sex from many work subordinates all the way back to his Australian tabloid days where his formula for success was always T&A, lots of sports coverage, and right wing simplistic bloviating.

Because we let them buy their way in. Literally.

All this rage about would-be immigrants who pin their hopes on the miniscule chance they’ll be allowed by lottery to even apply to be vetted; yet you can get in easily if you make sufficient investments in the US. “Sufficient” in this case being a cool one million dollars. Yes, you can launder your ill-gotten gains and get permanent lawful residency here, all for one low price! A price that is, needless to say, a bit out of the reach of your average Mexican construction worker.

EAT: And you get to keep your money, unless of course you’ve invested in a Trump property.

I find it interesting that the two media companies Murdoch chose to keep were Fox News and ESPN - the two parts of his ‘empire’ rife with charges of harassment.

His stockholders might want to swap their stock in Fox for Disney…

Forgot to take them off the list. I did take off some but missed them.

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It’s ok. Sorry for being a nit picker.

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