Discussion: Republicans Gleeful Over Secured Tax Bill Votes: 'This Is Happening'

I find this sad that the bill include health care that will result in 13 million people losing their heath insurance and our premiums going up 10%, and they are gleeful for that result. Where are their Christian values, or basic humanity.


when the stock market bubble bursts and the economy is in shambles again, they’ll blame Obama.



And we used to hate him for Supporting McCain.
Perspective indeed


Turns out that a number of GOP stalwarts—Schmidt, Rick Wilson, Nicolle Wallace, and others—have principles.

Who knew?


Since there is no known causal relationship between corporate tax rates and productivity or competitiveness or, for that matter economic growth generally, Corker is essentially making a bet on a horse race while spinning the roulette wheel in the casino.

Not that Republicans really believe deficits or national debt are a problem when they are in power.


People who inherit fortunes would get a big break

And the Democrats are the elitists? How does this help the economically anxious? What do the Republicans expect to gain from this?

They aren’t doing themselves any favors, in the long run. They made so many foolish promises and now they don’t have the guts to say “I was wrong”.



This is the Republican’s Borodino, the battle Napoleon won before occupying Moscow. It was a real high for the French army, but it got pretty cold in Moscow that winter, and very few of them made it home alive. It is a little ironic in this re-enactment that the Russian czar is encouraging the Republican troops, but I doubt he will give them enough blankets to stay warm as 2018 progresses.


The repubs know very well that they are blowing up the deficit. It does not matter to them. What matters is giving the super rich a few million times more than what they invested in bribing the repubs who then adopted the tax laws the super rich wrote for themselves. The reason it does not matter to the repubs is that they know when the dems are voted back into power they will have to repair the damage the repubs did. Just like President Obama after Dubya cratered the world’s economy. Repubs are getting their usual two scoops of ice cream here. They gain favor with the super rich now and blame it on the next Democratic administration.

Every time we throw out the repubs we have to waste all of our energy sweeping up elephant poop.


PeoplE wiLL grOw to liKing enriching trUmp likE they diD ohbummercre, which is a DisaSter.


Dumb Question:

I know the other side of this question, but has there been any commitment by a corporate entity to pass their tax savings down to creating jobs and increasing salaries or benefits? Solid statements, numbers and so forth, not a passing idea of yeah, likely, maybe?





Even weak humor is appreciated.


I don’t care much for Eichenwald but this thread is quite good.


As Wolfman Jack used to say: You ani’t gonna get it 'cause I got it!

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Well worth your time:



This Associated Press article ignores the rampaging elephant in the room – the estimated 13 million fewer people who will have health insurance due to the repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate.

To call that a “major omission” would be the Understatement of the Century.


Yes, in the sense that Democrats subscribe to the elitist concepts that all men are created equal, that the purpose of government is to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people, and the social contract theory that people live together in society in accordance with an agreement that establishes moral and political rules of behavior.

They will find comfort in their faith in the beneficence of their GOP benefactors and corporate paymasters.

Personal wealth accumulation and the continued financial support of their donors and overlords in sufficient amount to withstand any voter revolt among the hoi polloi.


People need to wake up and make some plans. They are going to destroy the rule of law completely in the near future. Make protest plans now. If you don’t and if we fail…then I hope I don’t need to tell you what follows.

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During their glee over ripping off poor folks I wonder if the GOPers know of trump’s attack on freedom to express one’s science idea if the one concerned works or has a request into the CDC

I was a scientist in my career. When someone demands I not use certain words-- these are not obscene words-- to express science data or ideas…well them’s fightin’ words.

Here is a link to a CNN story and a couple paragraphs so you get the flavor of what naked tyranny looks like:

(CNN)Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
the very agency tasked with saving and protecting the lives of the most
vulnerable, are now under order by the Trump administration to stop using words
including “vulnerable” in 2018 budget documents, according to The
Washington Post.

In a 90-minute briefing on Thursday,
policy analysts at the nation’s leading public health institute were presented
with the menu of seven banned words, an analyst told the paper. On the list:
“diversity,” “fetus,” “transgender,” “vulnerable,”
“entitlement,” “science-based” and

Alternative word choices reportedly
were presented in some cases. For instance, in lieu of
“evidence-based” or “science-based,” an analyst might say,
“CDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community
standards and wishes,” the source said. But those working on the Zika
virus’s effect on developing fetuses may be at a loss for appropriate – or
acceptable – words.

The reaction in the room was
“incredulous,” the longtime CDC analyst told the Post. “It was very
much, ‘Are you serious? Are you kidding?’”

As news of the word ban spreads at
the CDC, the analyst expects growing backlash.

To say I am incensed would be severe understatement.


This fucking piece of crap assumes 3-4 % growth over the next 10 years. That sounds highly inflationary. I am not an economist, so cannot determine or explain how growth and inflation work together. But this sound inflationary to me. Of course, one strategy to manage debt is to inflate the hell out of the currency.

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