Discussion: Report: White House Has Met With Potential Flake Primary Challengers

There’s always a Deutsche Bank willing to do business, but unlike real estate you can’t get any legislation through the Senate with just Cornyn and Risch.

(Edit: Whoops, didn’t mean to libel Credit Suisse.)


From everything I’ve heard, a whole lotta 'pubs got really pissed off when he told Pat Robertson that he was just waiting with his pen in hand to sign the healthcare repeal bill. This is not how a prez with majorities in both houses of congress behaves when there is difficult legislation to pass!!

He hung them all out to dry. I’m waiting (and waiting and waiting…) for them to return the favor. It’s coming. I have hope…


Other presidents might have lobbied senators, picked up a phone, called for a meeting with them, schmoozed, even grabbed them by the lapels as LBJ was known to do with guys shorter than he was. But, no. PP sits on his throne and waits for something to happen.


Arid Zone here. Flake will vote whichever way McConnell wants him to. Trust me, he talks reasonable, but he votes reactionary.


Oh, I would love to see LBJ “deal” with Donnie.


Well, the Senate already tried to put a fence around him over Russian sanctions. House is lousing that up but it shows they don’t want to have to answer for any eventual quid pro quo.


Which is why I hope Donnie continues to bully the weakest members of McConnell’s conference. A Majority Leader who doesn’t protect his flock can’t do his job.


JHC…Trump really is a little twerp isn’t he? It’s not enough to try and destroy the press and ruin the Dems, he has to go after anyone that doesn’t bow down to his un-American BS? And middle America somehow thinks he’s ‘getting stuff done behind the scenes’ that nobody knows about? WHAAAAT???


His tweet says it all yet says nothing.

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Taking AZ with a wounded Flake or far-right replacement should be like shooting fish in a barrel. Problem some of those fish are armed :frowning:


Haven’t you seen enough of Jeffy Fake to already know?

Alaska is incredibly reliant on the ACA for both Medicaid and for the financial support for their rural hospitals and healthcare providers. Murkowski risks very little by being a NO vote on TrumpDontCare. Alaskans seem, to me at least, to be less ignorant than West Virginians but even still, Shelly Moore Capito should also have little to fear with a NO vote.


There is no state that is not reliant for Medicaid support and especially now with so many states ravaged by opioid addiction and Medicaid being the only lifeline for treatment. Coal mining states, or former coal mining states, need the provisions in ACA that give financial assistance with black lung disease. Pregnant women everywhere need Medicaid in order to give birth to healthy children. It’s like trying to make the case as to why public libraries are necessary and should continue to be publicly funded.


He might as well stick to his guns because the damage is already done as far as the Drumpf team is concerned. There is no going back at this point, they or one of their satellites will primary him, that is just how these petty aholes work.

We dems have seen it time and time again, you try and compromise or meet them half way and it makes no difference, same thing here, it will make no difference what he does now.


And we can thank FuxSnooze for what “middle 'Murica” is thinking


Sure did. And let’s say this bill passes, the base is angry, and his polling dips further down. Who in the world believes he wouldn’t immediately trash the bill, blame Republicans in Congress, and pretend as though he had nothing to do with it?


Only the best people, right?


Per fivethirtyeight , Flake votes for Trumpp’s position on legislation only 95.1% of the time. The traitor has to go!


It bears repeating that as of Wednesday the excellent WaPo chart of the Senators’ positions had MCCAIN alongside Collins and Paul as a “No” vote. This wasn’t a mistake–McCain cited Medicaid. Even before the operation, they moved him to “Iffy”, not to Yes. With the illness, there’s even less chance McCain will run again. So if McCain comes back, he could still vote no, doing Flake the favor of not having to buck the Teabaggers. Mitch and Trump couldn’t do anything about it.
@pluckyinky @bankerpup @ralph_vonholst


I’m placing my bets on Flake.

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