Discussion: Report: WH Staff Was Unprepared For Trump's Surprise Opioid Announcement

Mary Jane is very proud of you for that…


It will assure you that Iraqi you have in a cage hasn’t escaped.

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i’m convinced trump is an alien pod person. his lack of any sort of human empathy is astonishing. to hurricane victims: have a good time?? to gold star widow: he knew what he was getting into?? to physically challenged reporter: did you see him acting like this?? at the wall of (dead) CIA heroes: did you see my inauguration crowd, it was the biggest?? what a dickwad! now john kelly has joined spicey, kelly anne pennywise, and sarah huckabuck as chief enablers, deflectors, and outright liars. are they pod people too? inquiring minds want to know. this is not Fake News! it is what it is.


So … you’re saying we shouldn’t use it on Donald Trump?


I think Kelly is a sort of pod person. People thought he was a normal, responsible adult but turns out he is a right-wing authoritarian misogynist living in a glorified version of a mythical American past.


I get the feeling they were surprised because they figured he’d fuck a different thing up/over… this one may not have been in the office pool…

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I…uh…well…umm… I can’t recall. I don’t know. No comment. I didn’t know about it. It’s a lie I tell you! A dirty rotten stinking lie! The record is false! I never said that!

Wait, what was the question again?


If it’s such a big emergency, why are they taking so long? And I thought Jared had already taken care of the opioid epidemic? And did Chris Christie or somebody have a task force?


They should appoint Rush. He’s an expert.


Correct me if I wrong but… wasn’t this one of Jared’s jobs since day one. This and Middle East peace.


How’s he coming on that Middle East peace, by the way?


Fake Art!
Gee, which painting is authentic: The one at the Art Institute of Chicago, or the one on Trump’s plane?

Tim O’Brien, the President’s biographer, told Vanity Fair’s “Inside the Hive” podcast last week that he told Trump that the President did not have the original, when he spotted the painting inside of the mogul’s private jet in 2005.

Curious the writer asked Trump about the work, which the now-President declared was an original Renoir. O’Brien challenged him, saying, “No, it’s not Donald.”

When Trump insisted that it was, O’Brien said, “Donald, it’s not. I grew up in Chicago, that Renoir is called Two Sisters on the Terrace, and it’s hanging on a wall at the Art Institute of Chicago.”

The next day, while on the jet again, Trump pointed out the painting and said, as if the previous day’s conversation had never occurred, “You know, that’s an original Renoir.


Apparently… about as well as the opioid crisis…


Yes. created by executive order on March 29, 2017:

The commission’s final report was due by 1 October.

That too:


It’s a conspiracy! John Kelly runs the Trump Fuck Up Office Pool, and he talked Trump into making the announcement so no one would win the pool and he could keep the money. It’s a conspiracy, I tell you!

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It kind of baffles me why the GOP suddenly regards one drug problem-- opioids-- as a “crisis” and a “health issue”, after demonizing people who use crack and heroin and jailing them-- in the case of crack users, often for years.

Why is this a “disease” and the others crimes? I mean, good that they’re finally thinking addiction isn’t going to be fixed by putting people in jail, but why does this “epidemic” get the disease treatment and all this sympathy?

Maybe it’s because people like Rush get addicted to “pain pills.”


Excuse me ?
That’s “Fucking” Moron to you pal
Gotta go with the accepted venacular


I’m thinking Mauron’s Spazguls.


The headline writers have the type set to go
WH Staff Was Unprepared For ________________


So what does Kelly have to say about that incident? The projection in his lie-filled complaint against Congresswoman Wilson was practically Trumpian. It’s like he took all the anger he has for Trump’s multiple fuck-ups and random own goals, and like a schoolyard wannabe blasted it out to the person he saw as the bully’s target-de-jour.

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