Discussion: Report: WH Sent Memo To GOP Saying Trump Was 'Correct' On Charlottesville

And, of course, our fabulous Dolly has better hair, and a heart the size of Chattanooga. And Chao sold her heart years ago, probably for less than Dolly has ever spent on Aquanet.


Yes, folks, Trump is correct. After all, the US used violence to defeat the Nazis and so was just as bad as them. It took two sides to fight World War II after all, right?


"and blamed the media for reacting with “hysteria” "

Hysteria which should only be reserved for when muslims kill people. Recalling his London remarks. I’d like to say this is outrageous and unbelievable but this monstrosity has made those terms obsolete.


Did anyone ask him what he thinks about Obama’s use of Twitter to talk directly to the people and getting the most liked tweet of all time when he tweeted about Charlottesville?


Hey Donnie. That trip you want to London to ride in one of the Queen’s coaches? Never gonna happen.

Theresa May joins in cross-party criticism of Donald Trump speech

Main UK parties condemn US president for apparently equating Charlottesville racist protesters with civil rights activists


Hey, it takes two to tango. Just ask these two “Alt-Caucasian” artists singing this song!


Pumpernickel works better.

Pumpernickel is a type of rye bread that is originally from Germany. The origin of the word is pretty entertaining: It’s a German word that comes from pumpern, which means to to break wind and Nickel, a take on the name Nicholas, which is associated with goblins or devilish characters. The word comes from the bread’s “reputed indigestibility.” So, the bread can be translated as the devil’s fart, or something like that.?


City of Baltimore took down all confederate traitor statues during the night


I believe large amounts of alcoholic beverages were needed. Do we need to do breathalyzer tests on WH staff twice a day?


Methalyzer for KAC


Despite the criticism, the President reaffirmed some of our most important founding principles…

One of our most important founding principles is that even the President has to hush up and do what he’s told sometimes. We’ve had racist Presidents before, it should go without saying. But what we haven’t had is a President who can’t do what he’s told for 24 hours without throwing a tantrum.


Oh, I think he would be VERY unambigouos:
“Now, make sure it’s pure white tuna meat, and if it’s packed in that dago olive oil don’t even bring it to the table. And leave out the capers. Those fucking Jews in the kitchen always replace them with rat turds when they see me coming in the door.”


Thinking the Republican party will oppose this Trump is foolish. Republican office holders have a fine sense of moral cowardice. They will stand quietly behind Donald Trump as he unleashes his fascist storm troopers on all those who oppose him just so long as they get the tax cuts their wealthy constituents demand. .


It surprises you that the fruits of a black man’s labor is being heralded as a triumph for a white man?


Yes, it’s because they admire Trump’s political success so much. Why, they’re nearly WHITE with envy! LOL!
And you are absolutely right. It really pisses me off when people here are suddenly writing Valentines to RW assholes like Steve Schmidt and Michael Steele and Jennifer Rubin because they are suddenly criticizing Trump, after years of them basically praying for our horrible deaths for the crime of being liberal or progressive and having empathy for people who are downtrodden and discriminated against.
The enemy of our enemy is NOT always our friend. Most of the time they hate us just as much as the person we mutually despise.


Are you trying to say that issuing statements about how “troubled” they are, combined with one or more of them furrowing their brow(s) even MORE deeply, is not courageous? I suppose you’ll also tell me they do not (collectively and individually) deserve the Medal of Honor.

I think the Medal of Honor is about right, especially if they’re awarded posthumously.

Actually, no, I don’t: that would dishonor those who received it for TRUE courage.

But I’m OK if those Rethug assholes get posthumous Participation Awards.

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I as a tax payer will not foot the bill to fix her teeth.

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The only founding principle Trump has ever had, and they should carve it on his faux-gold spray-painted mausoleum, is:
"Fuck everybody else! I got mine!"


They were all Tweets from illegal immigrants! Just ask Ken Kobach!


So, place your bets. How will General (Disarray) John Kelly end it all: slashing of wrists, strychnine-laced 25-year-old scotch, or hari-kari?
Yeah, I know it’s morbid and I’m a horrible person, but why should I have any sympathy for an immigrant-hating Trump flunky like John Kelly?

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