Discussion: READ: Kelly's Full Remarks Defending Trump's Call To Military Widow

My money’s on “or what”.

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  1. The inappropriateness of his attack on Wilson depends on her account of Trump’s call vs the transcript, not on her Miami speech in 2015. See above for my views on that.
  2. What do you think I should apologise for? I never criticised her Miami speech, just wanted to see the footage before taking a view. Having seen it, I thought nothing wrong with it, although it’s possible some (Kelly etc), there in a more somber mood, may have felt it inappropriate that she spent the first half talking in a light-hearted tone about how amazing she was. He was absolutely wrong to say she then just sat down.



Yes it didn’t take very long to disprove what Kelly said. It’s been taking a heck of a long time, however, for him to apologize for saying it.

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