Discussion: Private North Carolina College Mandates Staff Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage

It appears they take federal dollars. I’m not sure this works out in their favor…


Isn’t it interesting how the right-wing Christian evangelical establishment loves to engage in thought control? Seems very Orwellian, if not downright Communist.

Perhaps this is why the Repuglican voting states who support this kind of BS are called “Red.” I remember when that appellation referred specifically to the “communist red menace.” Anybody else remember “Better Dead that Red?”


That is one of my main objections to these “Christian” or religious institutions - their hypocrisy. They willingly take tax exemptions and federal dollars and then scream bloody murder when they are asked to follow any federal guidelines. Even my elderly dad, who was raised as a devout Catholic, says separation of Church and State is essential.


”The fund is led by Franklin Graham, a Montreat College alumnus and an outspoken opponent of same-sex marriage…”

Anne Lamott: “You can safely assume you’ve created G-d in your own image when it turns out He hates all the same people you do.”


The Devil took Jesus onto a high mountain and offered him all the kingdoms of the earth and was refused. These twits did it for less than their president’s annual salary.


Jesus loves me, but he can’t stand you.


They are dinosaurs, throwbacks. They can do what they want - it’s never going to change the progress we have made and continue to make in gender issues.

Not going backward.


They seem to have a selective interpretation of Leviticus. It’s North Carolina where is the ban on pork BBQ and wearing mixed fibers?


"to affirm “the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman” and the “worth of every human being from conception to death.”

Diametrically opposed principles.


Zappa called it back in the day and wrote this jaunty little ditty!

Jesus Thinks You’re A Jerk!

edited for a better upload

Franklin Graham is a sinner of the first rank and an unrepentant lunatic.

I’m sure the same people who are bellyaching over Ann Coulter’s inability to speak at Berkeley will join in decrying this.

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Any sane group of people should always, as bad as it sounds, respect a religion, even one led by a Jim Jones. However, taking Federal dollars hardly makes them “private”, in any sense of the word. They want their tax protected status, then good. All forms of government should then be denied to them, including security and police protections. Except to protect the surrounding communities, they should fund and staff their own fire and police departments, much as the Amish.

The fact that the US allows these blood suckers around is proof we need to tighten our standards.

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