Discussion: PHOTO: Hillary Clinton Hung Out With The Kardashians Instead Of Watching the Republican Debate

Mr. and Mrs. Jackass has a huge following. The Duggars as well. The Jackasses look pretty good to me.

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Why would anyone want to be the in same room as Kanye or Kim Kardashian? Not good company, Mrs. Clinton.

Can’t quite put my finger on why, but this just seems icky to me. I agree that there were a whole, whole lot of far better, more presidential like options.

Is it just me, or is Hillary acting a little too assured that her nomination is in the bag?

Personally I think she could be a good president; however, I am convinced that if she is elected, Congress will give her a worse time than they’ve given Obama. She is carrying s-o-o-o much baggage that I think will weigh her down. They’ve already proven how obstructive they can be with a “carry-on luggagae” kind of guy. Hillary has a cargo-hold load of extra weight to carry and they will use every bit of it against her, including this little ditty bag of poor judgment.

But still, like Obama, she would be a better president than any of the 17 GOP candidates.


if I had just read the headline, I’d have thought she was just visiting the Kardashians. turns out, it was a fundraiser, and the Kardashians were there, along with a bunch of other people, who she probably also had her picture taken with. she probably already knew Kris, because she probably knew her late husband, a lawyer. none of which means anything really, I doubt we’re going to see her making a guest appearance on their “reality” show anytime soon.


Agreed with everything everyone’s written. See, THIS is the reason I’m just not in her camp. She strikes me as being too willing to do anything to get elected. I mean, anything. So if her people tell her pop culture is the way to get the votes of average Americans, or releasing her so-called playlist that is pretty unbelievable but reflects “hip”, she’ll do it.

All in the service of grabbing as many votes as possible without looking at what the optics are while doing it.

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Bernie Sanders during the debate:


Hillary Clinton during the debate:


Hillary should do a Donald to the staff responsible for this: YOU’RE FIRED!

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Guys? Here’s the problem. She just doesn’t care about winning your votes because she knows she probably won’t get them in the primary and already has them in the general. I realize that that doesn’t exactly make us all feel like special snowflakes, but we might as well get used to it. Because my main objective with regard to the likes of blog commenters were I running her campaign would be to avoid so royally pissing them off they stay home in November and then move on towards grabbing every other vote I could. Yeah, it kind of takes it for granted she can beat Bernie, and maybe that pisses off everyone already inclined to vote for him, but, again . . .

And honestly, I’m really going to wait to see how this plays in Peoria before I sneer. But then, I did kind of like the message that “the Kardashian clan is more interesting and relevant than the GOP debate.”


Well Becky, she is one of those rap guys girlfriends.

“the Kardashian clan is more interesting and relevant than the GOP debate.”

They do have more depth, class and smarts than the GOP field… So there’s that.

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Hillary drops several notches in my estimation. Cross paths momentarily and participate in a selfie moment might have been more palatable … but this is a farce.

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“Harm” maybe not…

But with the billion dollars about to be spent, we are going to see this picture a lot. Especially when either of these 2 knuckleheads make news for something stupid. Remember the “Celebrity” commercial on '08?

It may not be harmful, but it will be annoying.

Unless the Donald is the republican nominee, then this won’t be on anyone’s radar.

Funny thing about those Kardashians. I thought they would have been long forgotten several years ago after their initial notoriety.
But it seems they have a hit reality TV show, all kinds of commercial deals and endorsements, and they get invited to the Met and other respectable events.
I guess there’s no accounting for taste.

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And I’d feel safer and worry less at the prospect of losing in 2016 if any of them was the Republican nominee than any of the lunatics actually running for the nomination.

And earlier in the day she met with a Health Care roundtable. But that’s not as exciting to report as Kim selfie omg.
She was at a fundraiser, raising money for her campaign. Someone with deep pockets wanted a picture with her and got it. I’m not going to hold this against her.


TPM is a center-left blog, so she probably will get the votes of most posters here, even accounting for the leftward tilt of more active party members.

Earning $149 million during the recession. Attending Trump’s third wedding. Hanging out with the Kardashians. Hillary, you’re exactly the hypocrite I always thought you were.

Yes, she made a lot of money. But did she bankrupt people and foreclose on their homes, ship their jobs out of the country and steal their pensions, get a huge bailout from the government?

Why is she a hypocrite – because she’s wealthy?

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There is nothing more likely to cost Hillary my vote than her sense of entitlement. Spending an evening with the Kardashians is one kind of entitlement, Hillary’s attitude that she has my vote without earning it is another.

She wasn’t partying at their house, she was holding a fundraiser that they were attending. It’s not exactly “an evening with” them.

So you’ll stay home or vote Green and let whichever clinically insane Koch-puppet emerges victorious from the Klown Kar win if you feel like she took your vote for granted and didn’t cater enough to your own special feelings?

Who’s feeling entitled now?

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