Discussion: Obama's Post-Charlottesville Message Most-Liked Tweet Ever

Have to admit that outfit Melania is wearing is very stylish, love it.


Donā€™t know how she (or anyone else) walks in pumps like that. And she does it well. Not easy.


Obama will be our Nelson Mandela.


He might get some skin burn in the belly/boob overhang sections if he pulls it off too fast.




Her Achilles are probably so used to 8 inch heels they would snap if she wore flats.


Maybe she got plastic surgery so she has Barbie feet.


I hate those shoes. I think any woman who puts herself through that torture says something about herself by doing so. Heels are one thing, but 8 inch spikes are self-inflicted torture.


Every time I see someone wearing them I smile a little to myself because I know how theyā€™re going to end up - with crippled feet.

Just from regular high heels I have hammer toes, bunions, myriad problems strictly from high heels.


My feet are a mess too and I wore heels as little as possible. Now itā€™s Keds and ballet flats. No heels in my closet these days.


Ahh ā€“ but the men do ā€“ they love em ā€“ as long as they donā€™t have to wear them

To be honest, simple ballet flats are my husbandā€™s favorite. He also likes unsprayed, clean hair and a minimum amount of makeup. Not all men find the Barbie doll look appealing, thank goodness.


O hahahahahah I try to put them on occasionally and I canā€™t walk in them anymore. I look like a little kid wearing her momā€™s high heels.

I donā€™t wear them either anymore. Because my feet are so bad I have hard time finding closed shoes I can wear.

Comfortable shoes are so hard to find. When I do find them, I stock up.

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They really are and I do too. I have 3 pairs of ankle boots in every color they made in this style because the toe box is big enough for my hammer toes. I am best in thongs and boots. And thatā€™s pretty much it.

I have some really comfortable ankle boots too. They are my go-to for travel and sight-seeing. I have two pairs, brown and black. They were made in Italy and no longer available. I am hoping they hold out for the rest of my traveling days, at least.

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What a stunning contrast between President Obama and his successor. The sooner our country puts Trump in our rear view mirror, the better off weā€™ll be.


I hear you. I admit that every year I come back from Italy with bleeding feet. This past spring was particularly bad - I shredded my bunions and developed a corn and at the end of the trip back in Rome my husband is still going and Iā€™m weeping begging please let me stop. hahahahaha


Ha, ha, ha! I know this story well. Even in sneakers, there is no way my feet will last as many miles as my husbandā€™s. Some people just have great feet. Not me. Never have, never will. Skinny feet and bony toes suck.

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Absogoddamlutely. I LOVE that picture and basically any pic of Pres. Obama with kids. Heā€™s one of those people (man or woman) who is very comfortable around kids and he makes them feel relaxed and special.

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