Discussion: NYT: Mueller Probing Potential United Arab Emirates Influence On WH

Excellent - really, excellent writing and speculation in your entire post.

What has me completely baffled is our seeming inability to move on this wholesale corruption. I never dreamed our country was this weak and vulnerable to this kind of abuse of power.


Remember when it was a sign of the Trump Campaign’s incompetence when we learned they repeatedly sent out multiple (illegal) fundraising requests to foreign politicians and other power brokers in the UK, Australia, Iceland, and other countries?

Apparently, that was a feature, not a bug.


In all honesty, the way Comey became almost frozen into inaction for a short period prior to the election (my theory is the rogue FBI agents feeding Guiliani insider news about the new trove of Abedin emails), I don’t know that he would have been up for this thorough and speedy of an investigation. Trump, I now think, did us all a favor by firing him and setting the chain of events leading to the Mueller train in action.


Aye, the tactics have been as deeply cynical as any I can recall seeing or even hearing about.


Please do not compare Trump/Kushner to a dog.
We have had two dogs and they ran our house very efficiently.


It …(wasn’t …

Enter an alt-right Republican majority — ( raise curtain ) –


Sorry, no offense to real canines intended (my golden retriever is giving me a sour look even as I type)


Historians are going to be blown away by the reckless projection that was displayed in the 2016 campaign…

From the guy leading the chants to lock her up forced to resign 23 days in and whose subsequent guilty plea as part of a plea bargain to the now emerging “Kushner’s Cash” parody of the alleged crimes against Clinton, it just gets more surreal with every step…


Good article by Virginia Heffernan in the LAT, today, re the legitimization of corruption.


Trump read the modern Republican party perfectly. They still haven’t figured it out or rather they don’t care.


“Nader “made frequent” trips to the White House in the administration’s early months and met often with former chief strategist Steve Bannon and adviser Jared Kushner…”

So who knows what Bannon has already spilled about these meetings. Kushner has that to worry about….amongst a mountain of other troubles.


Come on Mueller, find them all and exterminate ASAP !!!


Comey to me is a complicated figure, a type you see in literature fairly often, a person who failed in a crucial moment to see where his duty lay. It wasn’t cowardice or venality, I don’t think, it was being pulled in different directions and making a choice that was more expedient than just. And I think he thought Hillary would win. These are just guesses, of course.

Mueller is not a person to make a mistake like that. He’s the best cop in the country and he always knows what his duty is. If we ever get back to a place where we can hold our heads up as Americans and say we’re not perfect but we have our good qualities, we can point to Mueller as an example. I said “if,” of course.


But how do you explain the balalaikas?

Oh, right.


Let us every day remember, in addition to the incompetence and venality thwarting this malevolence, the brilliance of Al Franken in tripping the entire operation. The Trump clan would have inflicted immeasurably more harm on this nation had Al Franken not baited and hooked Jeff Sessions, check-mating the president with the subsequent rearrangement of chess pieces in the Department of Justice and, as the Washington Post reports, reducing him to raging powerlessly in the White House despite unprecedented compliance and complicity in Congress. Whatsoever his flaws, our nation owes Mr Franken boundless gratitude.


I’ve said this before, I think Trump and Co have believed all the FOX News stories about Obama getting away with multiple heinous crimes and they thought, hey, we can do that too!


the biggest fear and destruction to our Democracy are the Trump supporters who refuse to believe the truth. these people have a common characteristic. they are the type who refuse to believe they were wrong about anything. what will happen to America and our Democracy lies in the Rule of law. which this Administration The Trump administration lashes out every single day. the outcome is murky. will the Patriots rise and speak out? and ACT???


I appreciate the in-depth and thoughtful analysis. Onward, Robert Mueller!


Excuse me??? I have to pay someone a solid percentage of the total project cost for every building permit i get.

Jared Kushner would make an absolutely lovely Fantine in the 2019 Leavenworth production of “Les Miserables”. I am sure his rendition of “I Dreamed A Dream” would move both me and his 350-pound prison daddy Bubba to tears.

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