Discussion: NC School District To Allow Pepper Spray, Citing 'Bathroom Bill'

Given that we are discussing high schools which are after all full of teenagers who quite possibly are jerks, what should we do if the person in the picture announces that on Tuesdays he/she identifies as female. Should the young ladies welcome him (her on Tuesdays) with open arms? Just ignore her-on-Tuesdays? That might be possible but probably requires a bit of desensitizing.

I know I am giving a silly example but, really folks, we are talking about teenagers. Do you really think that they will do their AP homework when fun like this is available?

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This is going to be an ongoing court battle. It’s an issue in Texas, Tennessee and Missisippi. Conservatives and Evangelicals are absolutely freaked out, still lo these many months later, about gays getting legally married. And they’re very pissed it was forced on them. Every single opportunity to draw a line in the sand on the next perceived assault on their “traditional values” is going to create another fight. “OK, you got your damned gay marriage, BUT THAT’S IT, WE’VE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH YOU!!!” is their attitude. This is not going away. And a trans citizen is going to get severely injured or killed in a bathroom confrontation, a confrontation entirely provoked by someone thinking they’re on the front lines of the battle for civilization. Mark it.

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What would happen is your average straight teen male isn’t secure enough around his buddies to pretend he is a girl for a day. Even your toughest teen boys are too “macho” and afraid of the teasing.

ETA: The congrats on coming out, being secure with himself, etc. would be brutal, just like they are for the real trans kids and gay kids that are open.


Well, it’s too bad the boys on Denny Hastert’s wrestling team didn’t have this kind of protection in the locker room.


I think McCrory was spotted in a women’s bathroom. He was dressed in women’s clothing. What was he up to? Hmmm, maybe proving there’s abuse in the state house.

Pepper spray was banned before, because before HB 2, girls did not have to worry about someone following them into the bathroom with nefarious intent.

Pepper spray is banned now, because thanks to HB 2, girls don’t have to worry about someone following them into the bathroom with nefarious intent.

Pepper spray will be allowed next year, because if HB 2 is deemed unconstitutional, people will be following girls into the bathroom with nefarious intent.

What exactly was keeping the evildoers out of the bathrooms before HB 2?


I wasn’t talking about the trans issue but the media and GOP, NC and some national, panic treatment of the bathroom nonsense.
While I understand and agree your concern that these are certainly inducements to violence and the possibility exists some fringe loon could act on ‘what the TV’s sayin’, I really think most people understand, having used restrooms most of their lives. Gosh, how the remnants of the GOP must miss their social issue cudgels…

We can only hope rational minds prevail. However, I count at least three incidents in the last few weeks of Target store employees calling police and reporting a possible shooter on the premises. And why were they reporting them as possible shooters? Well, various news sources and interviews I’ve watched had customers and employees describing anti-trans zealots so crazed in their conduct inside the store that others feared for their safety, or even their lives. That is the frenzy people are being driven to. Bug-eyed, manic crazy is but one step away from committing violence.

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Silly! This is America – everyone can sue everyone for everything!
The would be victim can sue the suspected transgender person for making them uncomfortable.
The actual victim who gets pepper sprayed can sue the sprayer for spraying them.
Anyone else nearby can sue the sprayer because they will be affected by the spray.
All of them can both sue the schools for creating an unsafe environment.
And then all parties can sue the pepper spray company because they have the deepest pockets and America.

These guys are another matter…In my mind similar to the open carry freaks at Cracker Barrel or where ever.
But, again, I really do feel most people would highly object to zealots of this or any sort confounding their personal and or family daily, business, shopping routine with extremist politics and would applaud police intervention, even in the very conservative area where I reside. But this is my opinion right this minute and if the violence you fear happens my opinion, depending on exactly what has happened, may change.

So a girl becomes offended when another girl 1) looks at her boy/girl friend or 2) calls her a bitch or 3) posts a nasty on her StalkBook page. She hoses down said girl with her easily accessible can of “Chemical Billy.” Naturally, her excuse for the assault would be “I thought she was a guy who was going to watch me URINATE in a particularly pervy way!” Nah, that would never happen…more than a dozen or so times a day.


These filthy mother f*ckers have just declared open season on transgendered individuals.

Perhaps trans students need to carry themselves a second amendment freedom protector.

McRory:I will be mandating that girls carry firearms to bathrooms to protect against LBGT/liberals.

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How about salt-peter, whatever that does, it just sounds apropos to the not problem.

Pepper sprayers to the right and salt peters to the left, anyone with a #2 problem please go in the middle because we aren’t concerned with #2’s.

Thanks so much,
The Crotch Watch Foundation.

In point of fact, assuming the man in the photo is trans, the NC law would compel the person in the picture to use the ladies’ room, and not just on Tuesdays. So, you can ask the NC legislature, because evidently they have this all figured out and know precisely what they should do. (not!)

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Soon, every student will be given two choices and asked to check one on their class registration forms:



B) https://prescriptiongiant.com/images/Kimberly%20Clark%20Depend%20fitted%20maximum%20protection%20incontinence%20medium%20-%2020%20Ea.jpg

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Sounds like removing the bidets might be a more insurance-friendly option for the school than letting students carry pepper spray, then.


Unless the students at the school are as unhinged as their school board, nothing is likely to change. What makes them think that the girls aren’t already carrying pepper spray? Here’s what is likely to happen:

  1. All the students will shrug their shoulders and say “whatever.”
  2. Students will carry pepper spray, but will use it on the bully, the aggressive kid who thinks that he is just flirting, or, the kid who has been annoying them since kindergarten.
  3. There will likely be unintentional releases of pepper spray in class, in the hallway, during a pep assembly, during a test, or anytime it seems more entertaining than what is happening in class.
  4. A student who suffers from asthma will have to be transported to the hospital.

What won’t happen:

  1. An aggressive transgender student will get a face full of spray. (Aggressive transgender student is almost an oxymoron.)
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The local news reporting that sent these idiots’ idiocy viral.

The comments are priceless, but one wonders how a small locality where 100% of the local Facebookers commenting on a local paper’s story about a school board are expressing disgust and exasperation managed to elect these idiots in the first place. It’s almost as if people didn’t vote or failed to vote all the way down the ballot or something.


Dirty little secret.

There’s already a rash of fights in public schools. In NC, pepper spray will be flying around the hallways in addition to fists.

Parents should be more worried about that.

Dirty little secret #2

The kids probably know full well who the trans kids are. This legislation just endorses abuse against them.

Loretta Lynch is right. This is state-sponsored aggression against selected citizens, and nothing more.

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