Discussion: Mark Cuban Will Be Front Row At First Presidential Debate Thanks To Clinton

Personally, I wish that people would stop hiding behind the unpopularity of this war and be honest with themselves. The Iraq War was right.

ANYTIME there is a tyrannical dictator imposing his will and detracting from the right to life and liberty of a people then removing this person is paramount. You would choose inaction, the worst of all actions and allow this to go on?

She needs to be proud of that vote. WMDs be damned.

Edit: the proper choice of ideologies would be toltaritarianism: it is always, for the better of mankind, correct to fight this. Just as with any militant or ā€œvirulentā€ religion- it should be snuffed out and vaccinated against.





Maybe they can get Bloomberg a seat too.


You got any substance? Thatā€™s rhetorical.

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Whatā€™s he going to do, hold up ā€œIā€™m richer than youā€ flashcards or something?

Just his presence is a big sign that says to Trump: Iā€™m richer than you.

Trump knows the truth and he knows that Cuban knows.


How much would it cost the HRC campaign to rent an Orangutan to sit next to Mark Cuban?


Letā€™s be clear.

Donald did not shy away because heā€™s a cold, heartless bastard who has no regard for charitable causes.

Itā€™s because he canā€™t win it. Donaldā€™s career is a series of efforts to obscure and hide the fact that he never attains the success he envisions he already has.


Or just have Bill Maher next to Mark.


Jon Stewart?


So why then is Hillary ā€“ who has huge amounts of money, who enjoys the support of a popular president during a period of (admittedly weak) economic growth, who faced a weak Democratic opponent, who has loads of Republican endorsements ā€” in a dogfight with the worst presidential candidate since Lyndon Larouche? Why are young voters so unenthusiastic about her? Why is she projected by 538 to get 1.5 percent less of the popular vote than Mitt Romney?

I think I know the answer: Itā€™s somebody elseā€™s fault ā€“ couldnā€™t possibly be that Hillaryā€™s a crappy candidate.

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He sued Bill. He knows Bill. Itā€™s personal between them.

I donā€™t think Jon resonates with Trump that much. I donā€™t know for sureā€¦

I suppose then that you are saying that everyone else canā€™t possibly honestly disagree with you.

But I do.


Hereā€™s a fun fund-raising game you can play with your friends.
Every time Trump says the following, you pledge to donate to HFA or the DNC:
Beyootiful - $0.05
Great - $0.05
Yuge - $0.05
Email - $0.10
Server - $0.10
Crooked - $0.50
Corrupt - $0.50
Lewinsky - $10
Anything about his man parts - $20


Why is she projected to do worse than the way someone actually performed? Can we wait to see how she actually performs before we make the comparison? And it would be quite helpful to look at where others, like Obama, were at this point in the campaign too.


maximus = you know Trump sued Bill Maher for Billā€™s insistence that Trumpā€™s father was an orangutang.

The suit got dropped but you put Bill next to Cuban - hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

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I donā€™t understand your reply, tena. Seriously, Iā€™m asking: If youā€™re going to go all ad hominem on Judis for what was (no matter your opinion) a well-reasoned post, what is your explanation?

Iā€™d probably pipe down about this if so many TPM commenters (and for that matter, Josh M.) werenā€™t so defensive and aggressive in their rationalizations. To be clear, I think sheā€™ll win. I hope sheā€™ll win. But that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not allowed to state he obvious: She has created a lot of her own mess.

I disagree, as I said, that her campaign is anything at all like Mike Dukakisā€™. She is nothing like him at all. I remember the campaign; I remember Mike. There is nothing about this campaign that reminds me of Dukakis.

I"m supposed to be clear - then what mess?

The problems that have come up for her in this campaign were part of the same goddamn endless rightwing juggernaut anti-Clinton machine - emails - yeah, Comey is GOP. Benghazi = yeah that was her fault.

I do not get what it is you are saying she has done wrong. Judis compared her to someone and I totally disagree with the comparison. You think she has created problems for herself and I donā€™t know what you mean.

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Of course, weā€™ll see how she does in November. I hope sheā€™ll do better than the projections now show. But is there some sort of embargo on using high-quality empirical evidence to discuss Clintonā€™s shortcomings, but not on anything else? I like most of your comments, pluckyinky, but I get the impression sometimes that you think weā€™re supposed to not discuss things openly because itā€™ll somehow undermine her campaign. I donā€™t buy that. I think liberals are stronger precisely because they are open in such discussions.

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