Discussion: Manafort Lender Steve Calk Indicted For Loan Linked To Trump Cabinet Post Hopes

“Patriot” and “christian” do not mean what they used to do, those are not words I use to refer people that I like or respect. Other words that have change meaning in my lifetime are “gay” and “literally”…


“You can talk all you want, you can bicker, you can talk”


Good. I hope all these fuckers start going to jail.


H/T Rachel Maddow.


Yeah, that old joke that goes like this:

If you owe the bank $10,000 and can’t pay it back, then you have a big problem.

If you owe the bank $10,000,000 and can’t pay it back, then the bank has a big problem.

Well, with TrumpCrimeCo, that ain’t a joke. It’s their business plan.


That reminds me of the old story about the difference between kinky and perverted. Kinky is using a goose feather during sex. Perverted is using the whole goose.

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So true. If I remember correctly, I think this was the banker who Manafort grifted, saying he would get him a post in the Trump WH in exchange for $$$$. Or maybe that was another pigeon. But yes, the grift is unrelenting, like a team of wolves sensing weakness in a herd.

ETA: Yup, Calk’s the one. Missed it in the read. Been happening a lot lately. Wife jokes about leaving me at the race track with a name tag.

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I’ll speculate Steve Calk is not enjoying his rectal exam.


Different from the banking days for sure.

The stink, the stink, the stink!!

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Jesus. We’re gonna need a bigger DOJ.


You can’t shoot little girls in far away lands. You can’t lie to Congress. You can’t buy a Cabinet postion. You can’t pay porn stars to be quiet. You can’t solicit campaign help from Russians.

Life is just no fun anymore.


Seems the GOP is firmly determined to forget that capitalism is an economic system, not a form of government.


Bizarrely enough, I looked this little bank (Professional Bank) up yesterday when I first heard about this bank and I swear that this membership was listed under Iglesias’s name. I went back just a few minutes ago and it’s no longer there…

Anybody here know how to use Wayback to see if it’s been wiped off the site in the last day or so — or if I am just imagining things?? (ETA: just checked Wayback myself and this site is not archived regularly, so no verification…)

Also: no references to this on LinkedIn or anything else, in spite of the big article on the appointment.

My guess? Mr Iglesias is sweating, and not just from the Miami heat.


If only we understood the importance of making an example of those that try.

If you are willing to pay $16 mil to get a Cabinet position, imagine what the perceived ROI must be. I’d love to know how he imagined making this investment worth it. Of course, as Secretary of the Army, lots and lots of $$$ available to steer, direct, or skim off of.


so is this one of the indictments from the mueller probe? or just something spontaneously investigated and not one of those ~14 sealed indictments?


Trump is corrupt enough for 10 stories every day about his corruption at a minimum.

I’m down with it.


It’s also well worth noting that the loan to Manafort amounted to nearly half of the bank’s assets.

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