Discussion: Major Data And Tech Companies Quietly Profit Off Contracts With ICE

Kind of wears you out doesn’t it
Different day
Same grift
Watch your wallet


Many big data and tech firms have quietly cashed in on contracts with ICE, even as some of them publicly condemn the agency’s practices, including the border family separations, according to a Wednesday NBC News report.

Kudos to NBC News.


Wonder which computer security/anti-virus programs are being used. Is all of this data going straight to the Russians?

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And yet, the administration can’t keep track of the thousands of children in custody and link that information with their parents’ information. It’s almost as if the reunion of children and parents is of no importance to them.


Palantir has a $39 million contract with ICE started in 2015 that entitles ICE to use its database that reportedly tracks immigrants’ records.

Microsoft’s contract gives ICE access to its extensive facial recognition technology, though the company distanced itself from the Trump administration’s family separations.

Are these the same tracking and facial recognition systems that have rendered ICE incapable of guaranteeing the return to birth parents their children seized at the border?

Grigor and Natasha can’t believe you bought a fricking Buick. Really?


Jeff Sessions is an investor in the company that owns many of the private prisons scattered across the USA now. He is making these immigration laws so that more refugees and immigrants are rounded up like cattle and can be imprisoned to benefit his bank account, a very typical quid pro quo in this administration rampant with corruption and crime. The fascist regime pays $26,000 to this private prison owner for each criminal Sessions send them - a locked-in profit center capitalizing on human suffering for profit - that is who Sessions is (and all of them similarly sold-out). In fact, this round-up of investor assets began under Clinton’s NAFTA which caused 1000s of Mexicans to become impoverished and flee north for survival, only to be imprisoned, starting the fascist regime’s private prison system then to benefit investors and politicians. Even NAFTA is only about personal bank account inflation, the only real motivation for this genocide.

Sure, but not this though. It sounds like they all had pretty normal contracts before all this bullshit started, and I would bet that they cannot just abandon those contracts based on a policy disagreement. Nothing in this article strikes me as nefarious (yet). Law enforcement is going to make contracts with these and similar companies because they have tech that will be useful, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Were these contracts signed while Trump was tormenting these children, I’d have a very different opinion…same if it comes out that these companies have been somehow “bribed” by Trump manufacturing a huge increase in contractual income, but that doesn’t sound terribly likely (yet) based on the facts presented.



This is a thoroughly misleading article.

These contracts are peanuts compared to the sizes of the companies.

It’s not clear how many of the contracts preceded the Trump administration or the current child separation policy.

And we have no clue whether the contracts are actually profitable.

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Motorola makes things with radios; it’s about as mysterious as a fancy walkie talkie

Will not make allusions to IBM and other parties from an earlier time, in another country. Nope, just won’t do it. No way.

It’s time for everyone to jump into the pool.

Everyone wants in on the graft.

And yet not one of these companies, with all their psycho-metric, highly technical gadgetry and gizmos, has figured out how to track babies and toddlers I suppose. Kinda makes you wonder what the fuck we taxpayers are actually paying for, don’t it?

Those companies won’t be able to enjoy a meal in peace at a Mexican restaurant.

That’s a difficult feat, I can attest. I’ve tried to lose a kid once or twice in my life, on purpose, and failed.

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