Discussion: Lara Trump Confirms Rep.'s Account Of POTUS' Call, But Says It Lacked Context

Why am I supposed to care what Lara Trump thinks about anything?


how the hell did the wife of the president’s son get the call on this one?


Slightly OT, but delicious!




Who the fuck cares what this woman says about this? Hoooooly shit, now they trot out the daughters in law?

Good god. Days of this. It could have been over so easily right from the start all he had to do was say I’m sorry they misunderstood me like most GOP do when they phony apologize.


They’re really anxious to keep this story alive aren’t they? If the press were ever capable of doing their job, I’d say this was meant as a distraction. As it is, the simplest explanation is that Mauron is obsessed with validation.


“he said ‘your husband went in to battle, you know, knowing that he could be injured, knowing that he could be killed and he still did it because he loves his country and he did it for the American people,’

If that is what Trump actually said, then Wilson ought to be thoroughly ashamed of herself. What a horrible person. How TPM can write an article saying that this corroborates Wilson’s account is beyond me.

It’s a heavy cross to bear,
being the only person in the world to see the truth,
but you are doing an admirable job.
Please carry on !


It seems like all of the Trumps get disgusted so easily. Perhaps they’re just genetically inclined to weak stomachs and nausea? Or maybe some neurological, or psychological, defect?

You’d think, with the frequency of how often they’re disgusted, they would have talked to a doctor about it by now.




He starts the whole mess by impulsively lashing out with his lies, then expects everyone else to clean up and defend him, and they do. I only hope that Kelly is soldiering on in order to keep Trump in check until Mueller comes through, that his defense was only because Trump insisted on it, after dragging Kelly’s sorrow through Trump’s world of poisonous garbage.

If this is true I expect Kelly to receive a medal for enduring this bullshit. His statement yesterday did have many double edged comments, such as his praise of Comey, his noting that women aren’t treated well, and that the military is disrespected (“McCain is a loser, not a hero”), and , most tellingly, that the situation of providing condolence to grieving families was being politicized … And who started that?


C’mon. I expect better of TPM. POTUS’s.

Ya mean … YOU WEREN’T THERE ? ?

while Wilson WAS ? ? …

Just STFU already —


O well done. Really well done.

Wilson said this week that when the President called Myeshia Johnson, the soldier’s widow, he told her that her husband “knew what he was signing up for.” Other people who heard the call confirmed that account, and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly backed it up Thursday when he told reporters that he’d advised Trump to tell Gold Star families that their lost loved ones knew what they had signed up for.

I’m surprised Trump didn’t say, “I like people who weren’t killed.”


Shows just how far you are inside your bubble, Claus.

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Bullshit piled on bullshit. That is NOT what Trump said, and you know it.

But that’s not at all what Trump said, you paid liar.

Yes, you are.

It’s easy. TPM want to be truthful—while you do not—and the story does support Rep. Wilson’s story, as do the comments from the widow and the aunt.


John Kelly, on the loss of sacred traditions:

It stuns me that a member of Congress would have listened in on that conversation. Absolutely stuns me. And I thought at least that was sacred. You know, when I was a kid growing up, a lot of things were sacred in our country. Women were sacred, looked upon with great honor. That’s obviously not the case anymore as we see from recent cases. Life – the dignity of life – is sacred. That’s gone. Religion, that seems to be gone as well.

Gold Star families, I think that left in the convention over the summer. But I just thought – the selfless devotion that brings a man or woman to die on the battlefield, I just thought that that might be sacred.

General Kelly, do you know what else used to be sacred? The truth! And you and the orange abomination shit all over it every damn day!


If that is what Trump actually said, then Trump ought to be thoroughly ashamed of himself. What a horrible person.



The Khans, like General Kelly, were coming from a place of profound grief, and said what was in their hearts. In both cases Trump had to use them. He smeared the Khans. He used Kelly’s sorrow to justify his own lie about how presidents have offered condolences. That lie, that political lie, started this whole mess.


Interesting that the “You didn’t build that” and “ putting coal companies out of business” brigade are now complaining about stuff being taken out of context.

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