Discussion: Kushner To Lead New WH Office To Overhaul Federal Government

That is the problem that they are going to fix.


So Li’l Jared is going to revive Pruneface Reagan’s Grace Commission that wanted to contract out all government services.

We’ve seen what contracting out does–pay more and get a lot less!


And the health care act was to cover up the Russian ties scandal.


Actually, Gore actually accomplished something in a quiet, unflashy, looking for real results oriented kind of way. Because he knew how government worked, listened rather than told, and the people in the agencies knew it wasn’t a pretext for doing them harm.


If this were actually about overhauling government, Kushner would pretty obviously be the last person you would want in the job, since he has negligible experience running large enterprises and no contacts to speak of with people who do. If, on the other hand, you think of it as a place to throw “consulting” contracts to a bunch of has-beens and never-was’s, and to go through the executive branch taking notes on who’s not a trump loyalist…


“We should have excellence in government,” Kushner told the Post on Sunday. “The government should be run like a great American company. Our hope is that we can achieve successes and efficiencies for our customers, who are the citizens.”

While I will be the first to applaud efficiency, I am always leery of these claims – I fear they will push for “efficiency” over “effectiveness.” The American citizen is not a “customer” – that is one of the worst ways to view the role of government. Government is the collective ‘we.’ We all bring something unique to the table, not all of us are able to purchase the services we expect of our government. Those who can should be more than happy to pay their fair share in taxes (looking at the Apples of the world, the Trumps, the Romneys, etc.) to support this great experiment we call America.

I am not against efficiency, proficiency and excellence – I expect a high degree of all, but I also strongly believe I am not a “customer” of the USA. I am a citizen and with that, certain rights and responsibilities. I’m open to hearing what Mr. Kushner has to offer, but if it looks anything like Trump business ethics, please keep that as far away from my/our government as possible.


ICYMI, yesterday I noted that he’s also THIS close to a solution between the One-or-Two-or-Three State Solution for that Middle East misunderstanding between The Tribe and those guys who had been living there before. He’s got it wrapped up so they can probably safely trust the details to Ben Carson. David Duke and Cliven Bundy turned down the associated diplomatic/protocol position but Richard Spencer was seen in Manhattan this AM so they’re hoping he’ll take the salary cut pro bono.


This is what happens when someone having being born on third base thinks they’ve hit a home run, then start believing in their own greatness and abilities (in this case Trump and Kushner).


Help yourself. I have no proprietary rights. IIRC, I stole it from Alan Shore (James Spader) on Boston Legal.

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If the government were run like a business, that would mean the members of government seek maximum profit for themselves. This is more commonly called “corruption”. According to this article, Somalia is the world’s most corrupt nation, so I guess the new national goal is for the U.S. to be more like Somalia. Maybe we’ll only achieve the level of corruption in South Sudan or North Korea, but at least we’re aiming high, er, low.


Customers??? He thinks we’re customers??? If anything, we’re the damn owners you A hole. We have idiots in charge that don’t have the slightest idea who the players are. And now, an inexperienced Junior Plutocrat is supposed to ride in on his white horse and fix it. In two short months, they’ve presented us with nothing but chaos. Across the political spectrum…all we have is anger. And fear. Get them the hell out before its too late.


Grifters gonna grift.


All because Jared can tell that man what it’s like to fuck Lust Object.


The surest sign that someone is about to rip you off is when they say: “We’re from the business world, and we’re here to help.” Ask any Trump U. student.


I know, right? Whatever happened to: “My kids aren’t going to be a part of this administration; that’s just FAKE NEWS” statement that he made right after the election??


Corporations do not want to pay into Social Security, they really, really, do not want to pay for
Health Care, They really, really, really don’t think old people should be allowed to live independently
once they don’t t contribute to the bottom line… The Son in Law is a chip off of the old Rectum himself !


Just a naked way to put more money in the Trump Family vaults.

Overhaul my ass. This is the Payola machine gearing up. You want to do some “business” with the Federal Government? Pay the “Trump Tax” or no contracts for you.

The bald-faced money-grab by these people is just astounding, and their moronic supporters just lap it up.


And that was Pres. Bannon’s plan all along. Break what wasn’t broken, smash into pieces the broken bits, and most importantly turn each of us into warring tribes. The last is his most successful accomplishment, but wait there’s more. Each side will then be splintered into smaller groups ensuring that no group has enough power to rally the requisite numbers to challenge his plan. We are devolving into tribes.


Note to Trumpanzees:

Congratulations !!! You elected your savior … the successful businessman !! He’ll show 'em !!! Take our country back and stuff !!!

Really ??? Ask yourself … What does a “good” businessman do when he needs a better bottom line ?? Answer … He reduces the overhead until he gets things the way he wants them !!

HEY !! Do you understand yet that the cost of maintenance (health care, Social Security, fair wages, etc.)for those hard workin’ people will be eliminated and you are the low end employees on the shop floor ?? As soon as your budget line item is removed … you will be totally invisible.

All the Trump voters put this man and the GOP in total control of the government and Democrats cannot protect anybody because it’s all about the votes. Nobody else is to blame for what is about to befall you and your family. You did it all by yourselves. P.T. Barnum was right !!!


Lets see;
Somalia = No Government, No Taxes, No Laws, Everybody has all the Guns they want, do whatever you can get away with, Might makes Right.

Yup. That is a Trump Supporter’s nirvana right there.

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