Discussion: Korean Leaders' Summit Agenda: Prevent North Korea-DC Talks From Imploding

While signaling his willingness to talk with Washington, Kim’s strategy has been to try to elbow the U.S. away from Seoul so that the two Koreas can take the lead in deciding how to bring peace and stability to their peninsula.

For the moment, this seems like a very wise strategy.


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Trump is such a flaky partner, I would suggest the Korean leaders forget about the United States and do their own deal.

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It looks like that’s where it’s headed, but from everything i know about the two Koreas (very little), i have no idea what any resolution would look like. The North and the South have vastly different views of everything. A unified Korean peninsula means ???

The south is far more wealthy and scientifically advanced. Kim knows that if he exposes his people to the freedoms and prosperity enjoyed in the south they will want that.

This is going to be a perilous journey.

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On that note, i suggest we throw in the Koch Brothers to live in N. Korea as a part of the deal.


Haven’t they already imploded?

Intelligence reports conclude that N. Korea is still building missiles and nuclear warheads.

Trump keeps insisting that N. Korea is de-nuclearizing.

Looks like a complete disconnect to me.

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