Discussion: Kaepernick Has New Deal With Nike Despite Being Blackballed From NFL

I’m not. Nike’s in a pretty strong position on market-share, and this gets them good press. Yeah, there’s some backlash, but if fans want ‘official’ team gear… they’re buying Nike. And in the long run, I expect Nike’s willing to bet on history’s judgment here.


Plus siding with the players makes all the sense. It’s not rich white guys in suits who buy these shoes - it’s young people.


Kneeling is absolutely a gesture of respect. And more, one of supplication. Generations of people have knelt to pray. It’s tradition to go down on one knee to ask a woman to wed. Going back into history, warriors knelt (and now artists do) to be knighted.

Kaepernick’s kneeling isn’t a show of disrespect, it’s a plea for help. He, and the other players who’ve knelt, have made no demands. They’ve issued no ultimatums. Instead, they have only begged their country to end an injustice. It’s a terrible thing, feeling like you have to beg for the lives of your friends, your family… but to do that, to put aside pride and say ‘help us, please’… it is an honorable thing, too.

Which is why neither Trump, nor his base, understand even the tiniest shred of it.


Heartbreakingly so to my mind.


Self immolation. This is what happens when Joe Louis delivers ya too many knock-out blows.

Best thing about golf: playing miniature golf with your kids.

Second best thing about golf: The movie Caddyshack (the Bill Murray scenes, at least).

Third best thing about golf: wheeled bags full of zombie-killing clubs, for surviving the apocalypse.

Fourth best thing about golf: the golf clap, when used far from a golf course.

My list only has four items.


Best thing about golf: my husband.

He loves it and has since he was a kid.

Tin Cup

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Maybe I’ll expand my list to five items if I ever see the movie.

Same writer who did bull durham and white men can’t jump.

Bagger Vance wasn’t too bad, either.

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I cried because I had no shoes. Then I met a man who had no brains.


I’d add this video to your list - Jack Nicklaus schooling Johnny Miller on a long putt.


Congrats to Nike and Kaepernick. If the Right hates this and wants to burn and destroy the Nike gear they already purchased, God bless them. It’s probably the same people that went out and bought Kaepernick jerseys to burn. That didn’t hurt Kaepernick, it only helped him keep his Million Dollar donation pledge.

If tRump doesn’t like it, too bad. The NFL isn’t a public entity. Nike is a corporation. tRump is just be butthurt.


So some people don’t think Knelling before our flag is a respectful way to protest. Expressing anger in a peaceful way IS expressing anger in a respectful way. People who live in Glass houses…Who are You to say what is respectful and what is not?

If you want to talk about disrespectful behavior…let’s talk about the amoral, lying, sexists, racist, Donald Trump… Let’s talk about Trump who doesn’t care about or understand our Constitution, who would like to have the powers granted a King. Let’s talk about King Trump.

Who cares about what some NFL players do? The importance of what nfl players do is nothing compared to the importance of what our President does.

Good. Good for him. I’m glad, and not only do I hate the NFL, I don’t bother watching any games unless I know Dallas is going to lose.

Of course, though, right on cue, lots of white sportscasters immediately made this deal a binary choice for Kaepernick: either you’re an activist or an athlete. And hey, they point to Jim Brown saying that, so you see, that’s one black person they can treat as an authority.

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Great post… @jacksonhts Thanks…

Here;s a cross-posted from my DagBlog comment


The billionaire owners...

Can they hear him now?




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That was pretty awesome. It makes the list. The path the ball had to take to the hole was like a greatly expanded version of what you’d have to try on a mini-golf hole.

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Patriotism isn’t just for scoundrels any more, and it’s no longer the last refuge, either. Since when do we have to hear America the Beautiful during the seventh inning stretch! Or God Bless America at any time during any event!

Every school year, brings a genre of handwringing about so-called grade inflation, well patriot and hero inflation are in full swing. Foolish leaders make stupid decisions that screw up people’s lives beyond imagination, but you’d damned well better support the troops and the cops and the firemen. And don’t you dare sit, kneel, or sing too far off key, or your job could be next.

For crying out loud, the U.S. Public Health Service will be demanding parades before this is said and done.

Amen, for me it is the fake patriotism and the winners/losers picked by the officials.

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