Discussion: Jeb Bush Says New Supergirl 'Looked Pretty Hot' (VIDEO)

Ahh, ok. I probably should check it out, if only to satisfy my nerd leanings. So if she is working for Cat, that means that its set in Metropolis, and even The Daily Planet…how are they getting around Superman taking all the spotlight?

Oh, I do watch just about everything he produces. Dollhouse was a little slow the first half of season 1, but once it go going…wow. I even liked Dr. Horrible’s Sing A Long Blog. :smile:


what is wrong with this guy?
what an embarrassment … and we were supposed to be concerned about biden’s off the cuff remarks? oy…

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A truly terrifying notion indeed.

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Dollhouse was great. Very thought-provoking. And Eliza Dushku was hot.

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Nope its in National City (different time zone).

Cat is basically Tina Brown and Meryl Streep combined (I’d go further than that, but working from ‘reality’, the pilot isn’t on regular television yet.)

They retconned the Man of Steel movie deal (again its Berlianti) and frankly that’s the sublime thing about this pilot. Superman gets a few minutes in this show, but his face is never seen (again its Supergirl). Dean Cain is the weirdest stand-in for Glenn Ford (who I think played Jonathan Kent), but he and Helen Slater are good in their roles.

Frankly the biggest ‘much ado about nothing’ (edit/appro word) about the show won’t likely be this ‘mehburger’ involving Jeb. It will likely be about either Jimmy Olson (He’s played by a black guy) or Red Tornado (Tornado’s costume design)

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He then added, “That’ll make news,” according to CNN.

How much longer will we have to endure Jeb! news? Drop out Jeb!, you suck.

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Well, he is trying to ride the coat tails (cape tails?) of a secondary comic book heroine made into a TV show, in order to generate buzz. Because apparently there is nothing else going on in the GOP political orbit this week?

I think we are getting pretty near the end.

He is making the taking of lame to new lows into a kind of performance art.

His answer is stupid on many levels, mostly because he refuses to give an answer. He has to throw in the “I’m a capitalist” line, so as to somehow burnish his bone fides. He says he likes Marvel movies, but doesn’t name one. He mentions Batman, but then says it’s too dark. He ends up saying Supergirl looks hot.

So, in summation, he’s checked off the capitalist misogynist voter, or the republican base.

AND THIS IS NEWS, WHY!? This is the problem with our “media” Break up the media companies! When
news viewer/readers are a commodity, then democracy looses! They couldn’t have asked him about climate change, income inequality, voter suppression, no we have an urgent need to know his favorite “Superhero!” Disgusting!!!

“Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people” —Eleanor Roosevelt

I’m guessing she knew a rich American when she saw one.

Trying to think who Trump would have cast as Supergirl.
Drawing a blank.

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His daughter, you know… the one he has wood for.


Doesn’t mean they can’t at least take a look at the costume in a new reboot.

But that’s not the audience now. If you’ve seen clips of the show, it’s not directed at male adolescents. I’ve not said a word about the comic book version.

I’m not questioning how sex in general is portrayed and my kid isn’t old enough to care about the MSM. These are images that our young girls are seeing that help shape self worth. Seriously, go to a Party City or a Halloween costume store and look at costumes for young girls vs. boys. I challenge you to find more than a couple that are even remotely appropriate.

Contrast that with the boys and those costumes are cool. I had to buy my daughter a boy’s costume so she didn’t look like fireman Bambi.

I’m just glad that as a male nobody ever placed expectations before me as far as to what I should do and accomplish and earn and look like.

Nope. Only girls need to deal with that.

Is it just me or is Angela Merkel kind of a bowzer? Christine Lagarde is hot for an old chick.

A) It’s not CBS’s property, its DC’s property. So they are very limited in how far the can go with changing the look of an iconic property. DC took major crap for trying to change Superman’s look by just dropping the “red underwear on the outside” look. Some changes just don’t go over well with the public, especially for characters that have been around for decades.

B) While it is true that more women/girls follow superhero comics now than they did 60 years ago, the majority of that audience is still young males. And while you may not have said a word about the comic book version, Supergirl is still a part of the DC lineup of comics. I’ve not kept up with their current plans, but if they follow their past models with Smallville, Arrow and the Flash, there will even be “TV-based” Supergirl comics forthcoming (TV based because they depart from the actual comic book story lines and “canon” considerably). And the majority of those readers is once again going to be young males.

C) And finally, I think DC (and Marvel too, but I was never a big Marvel fan) takes a lot more shots for sexism/lack of diversity than they really deserve. By and large, we are talking about characters that were created in another time. But DC has made great strides updating and moving their characters forward with the times. Jon Stewart as a black Green Lantern in 1971. A gay Green Lantern. The New 52 reboot a few years back had Wonder Woman as one of their top rated comics…a VERY independent WW. Birds of Prey is an entire female group, nor is every woman in it dressed in short short skirts and skin tight latex. Even on TV, Chloe (not in any comics before Smallville) became an extremely important character in that universe; Iris West and Patty Divot on the Flash are both independent, successful women, Black Canary on the Arrow has lost the fishnets and gone with a full leather outfit; Nyssa al’Ghul is an extremely powerful female character (and also a lesbian, in love with the first Black Canary).

And in many ways they were ahead of the curve on raising social issues. They dealt with drug abuse well before it was considered appropriate in the early 70s. They addressed domestic violence around that time as well. (The Green Lantern/Green Arrow “On The Road” series dealt with quite a few social issues…the story lines are a bit hokey, but you have to give them credit for addressing them).

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