Discussion: Isolated In White House, Trump Seethes Over Leaks In Wake Of Comey Firing

You know who else eventually grew disappointed with and mistrustful of everyone but his inner circle?


What will Director Cornyn’s first act be?


For reasons I don’t quite understand, I have red images of “firing Comey” flashing before my eyes.


No way to really tell from this distance, but he looks nuts to me. Correct me if I’m wrong.


That’s a versatile video. Someone used it to describe my university administration a couple years ago.


The long term picture is what is most worrying: the damage is extensive. Very extensive. People are under the impression that this is an anomaly (and it is, to be sure) that will be corrected with an election.

It won’t.

The Office of the President of the United States and the entire Executive Branch is completely damaged. It has, within the space of three months, devolved into a putrid mess. If it were a patient, the body is riddled with cancer.

The Legislative Branch is similarly infected: a decade of non-governance and a collection of the nation’s stupidest people has reduced the second branch of government into a cowering shadow of itself.

And the judicial branch has a stolen seat, forever tainted by the appointment of someone picked off a list by an unfit, unqualified, incompetent scumbag.

All things being equal, a Democratic sweep of 2018 is neither guaranteed nor going to un-do the devastation. You have a party of ugly dystopian Confederates who have shown they can never be trusted. And you have a Democratic Party that is unwilling to confront its own sexism, racism and purity tests because it wants to be “inclusive,” when the most lasting damage has been done by people who have a list of demands but never show up in midterms and don’t get involved. Hell, as we’ve seen in the Nevada primary, hardly any of them bothered to register as a Democrat.

Oh, and you have what no voter supression trick could ever accomplish: 56% of eligible voters not bothering.

Oh, and there’s more! You have an Electoral College comprised of clearly incompetent delegates who honestly had an extraordinary chance to do its one “in case of emergency, break glass” function and make history. Except, as AJP Taylor noted, history failed to turn.

In the words of Ms. Tilda Swinton to Keanu Reeves in “Constantine”: you’re fucked.


Why not literally? The World News had an article about a guy…


2017 in this country is Lord of the Flies writ large. The saga of Simon (in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is feared rather than revered) points to the demise of empirical and theoretical science that demystifies the world. The story of Piggy (“You can’t do it, because you can’t”) depicts the inevitable fate of ethical standards based on reason and empathy that are unsupported by enforceable law in the face of fear-based force. Ralph is the consensus-seeking pragmatist among us. And Jack is the ignorant but canny, fear-engendering, charismatic, ruthless, rule-destroying, power-hungry self-proclaimed leader who would be tyrant.

A lot of time has been wasted focusing on “Who is Donald Trump?” He is clearly Jack. David Gergen recently asked the most important question: “In these times, as a people, who are we?” We must be Ralph and Simon and Piggy and more. We must have each other’s back at all times. And together, we must evict Trump from our island if our own fragile experiment in democracy, currently under vicious assault, is to survive.


Maybe Trump should take John Podesta’s advice in the Washington Post and fire his staff. He could replace them with the cast of Fox and Friends.


Right. Imagine the lessons the Republicans will lose, if Trump is impeached or removed from office for incompetence. Will they suddenly become sane? Hell, no.
I guarantee that whatever happen to Trump, he will be put up as the biggest martyr since Jesus, and the (((Democrats))) will be painted as worse than Judas.


It’d ok by me if he exploded literally. Either way.


That Trump seem to think that he is the only effective spokesperson in the WH speaks volumes.


Well, it’s the epitome of what we’ll generically call an immature person having the results of (usually) his bad decisions coming back to bite him, so he lashes out at everyone but himself. It’s not a rare thing.


Pence as president scares me a lot.


Well, he’s also got somebody–I think Reince-leaking to Haberman, Politico and other places. I think the designate is free-lancing. But it’s just support and rehash of what Donald says.


Let him keep all that bile inside him.


You beat me to it by seconds! :grinning:

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To say nothing of encouraging. As you may know my money is on Jaravanka reading the riot act to him and basically telling, not asking, him to quit.


Right, but how is that different from what we have now? These people don’t need any kind of pretense, but they’ll use one if it comes along.


I wonder if he knows all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance.

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