Discussion: In Latest Video Volley, NRA Targets The New York Times: 'We're Coming For You'

Geez those Fox anchors must have a lot of time on their hands. They uh must be working very hard on the important stories of the day :slight_smile:


Wait till the NRA surprises a NYT crew on assignment ā€¦ covering the Liberal Gun Club annual conference :stuck_out_tongue:

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v. 2002, an Internet argument tactic involving a reprinting of an
article or blog post, interlarded with rebuttals and refutations, often
intended to show the original is a sandpile of flawed facts, unfounded
assertions, and logical fallacies. Fisk | Define Fisk at Dictionary.com

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The Times should respond by running an Item: Loesch calls for being fisted.

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So, when did the NRA become a journalism outlet rather than a shill for the gun industry?

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Well, if the NRA doesnā€™t like the New York Times, theyā€™re fucking going to hate the Dallas Morning News:

Donald Trump and the political action committees for Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich and John McCain accepted $7.35 million in contributions from a Ukrainian-born oligarch who is the business partner of two of Russian president Vladimir Putinā€™s favorite oligarchs and a Russian government bank.
During the 2015-2016 election season, Ukrainian-born billionaire Leonid ā€œLenā€ Blavatnik contributed $6.35 million to leading Republican candidates and incumbent senators. Mitch McConnell was the top recipient of Blavatnikā€™s donations, collecting $2.5 million for his GOP Senate Leadership Fund under the names of two of Blavatnikā€™s holding companies, Access Industries and AI Altep Holdings, according to Federal Election Commission documents and OpenSecrets.org.

But remember, kiddies. The whole Russian thing is a made up story.


Yeah, Iā€™m sure the NYT is shaking in their shoes. Just the thought of a bunch of beer-bellied yahoo Chuck Norris wannabes is enough to cause weeks of hysterical ROTFLMAOs. What are they gonna do - shoot up a few copies of last Thursdayā€™s edition? Dana Loesch is a nothing nobody.

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This strikes me as about right.

The NRA seem to me to be a mailing list run for profit by a very well-paid staff. (For comparison, I was offered the American Iron and Steel Institute as a gift many years ago. Today it is a successful Gucci Gulch PR operation. At the time it was floundering, and the owner needed somebody to take it off his hands. In those days the NRA was a near neighbor, and not much different.)

This very talented young lady is a paid actress, and sheā€™s making scale, which is not bad. Not as good as a soap gig with residuals, but an OK job.

There are dangerous gun nuts out there. Iā€™d count them in the dozens, low hundreds at the outside, and they overlap with militias, state secessionists, race purifiers and so on. The police and FBI know who they are, and they arenā€™t going to commit more than the odd shoot 'em up now and then. I donā€™t think thereā€™s much overlap with hunting and fishing people. Actual gun owners who hunt have a bigger overlap with the Sierra Club than they do with Second Amendment fools.

I donā€™t really think this story deserved the space itā€™s taking up in TPM.



Gosh Dana. Maybe we should Fisk you I get so tired of this overlord crap. Freaking victims.

Oh look , Dana`s having a tantrum . Roflmfao .

If you come after New York, youā€™d better bring your A game.

We bitch-slap punks like the NRA and then laugh about it.

Guns donā€™t make New Yorkers tough; the city does.

These are the toughest, but nicest folks, Iā€™ve ever known.


Ok, so I guess because she was misquoted in a violent tweet by one letter, we should ignore the fact that she is threatening violence against a media outlet.

That makes it all ok.

So letā€™s see, if someone makes the same threat against the POTUS, whether this defense would hold up when the Secret Service comes to visitā€¦

ā€˜Oh, officer, I didnā€™t say ā€˜fistā€™. I said ā€˜fiskā€™. Means something completely different, but Iā€™m still coming to shoot him upā€¦ā€™

Yeah, right.

Only when they stop contributing to GOP candidates. Only after Citizens United is overturned and campaign contributions donā€™t make policy anymore.


Seems there was just a protest a couple of weeks ago in DC, where they marched from he NRA to the Justice department in protest. Of course, it was ā€˜justā€™ women (of all colors) so it didnā€™t get a whole lot of press.

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I am no legal expert - far from it - but doesnā€™t a public threat like this, especially one on video and on the Internet that will last for eternity, have the possibility of putting the NRA in serious legal jeopardy? If any gun nut who is a paying, card-carrying member of the organization were to threaten or even commit bodily harm against an employee of the NYT, couldnā€™t the NYT make a case against the NRA, saying that they were responsible - or at least partially responsible, due to obvious incitement - for it? I donā€™t think they would be able to get away with the ā€œHa! It was only a joke!ā€ shit that Sarah Sanders tries to use to excuse the lunacies that are said by the members of the Trump regime.

I thought this was going to be rifle related. Are they now the National Rifle and Journalism Association?

Well, you canā€™t expect any publicity about a bunch of marching vajayjays. Now, if they were the poor, oppressed white working class people who vote against their own self-interests that the media gives unlimited coverage to in order to air their phony grievances, then it would probably be a different story.
I had a wonderful dream last night in which Ellen Ripley and a troop of minority transgendered Marines beat the living hell out of Dana Loesch, Wayne La Pierre, and Ted Nugent. Yes, I know I am a terrible person for fantasizing about such violent things, but at least I woke up smiling.


The real problem is that with Hillary off the horizon, the gun lobby is facing a lack of nightmare fuel; people arenā€™t buying guns or membershipsā€“and GoA is making inroads on the crank demo. Time to beat the drums!


Dana Loesch is the human equivalent of Raid bug killer. Even roaches scamper back under the refrigerator when she enters a kitchen.

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