Discussion: Gorka Storms Out Of Georgetown Panel After Tough Student Questions

Bravely bold Sir Gorka
Rode forth from Trumpelot.
He was not afraid to answer,
Oh brave Sir Gorka.
He was not at all afraid
To be questioned in nasty ways.
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Gorka.


Gorka Dorka.


Did you drag it or upload it? That’s some epic link I must say!

Nice to see those kids holding Gorka’s jackbooted feet to the fire just a little. More please!

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So YOU"RE the one who forced them to take it down through your innuendoes and asides.
Private Sector Overreach.

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They don’t come more pompous than this asshole.


So the “Senior Counterterrorism and Cybersecurity Adviser to the Pseudo-President” became intimidated and fled when confronted by smart, well-prepared college students with [gasp!] QUESTIONS???
—> Next time try an elementary school. I give you at least a 40% chance of not wetting your pants there.


“Cultural appropriation” also, but the very idea of a pompous ass like Gorka accusing anyone of arrogance, no suprise many in the room laughed outloud.


Not sure if there’s a compound noun, but immer schreiendes Kind works.

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“Dammit, I came here to vent, not to have an intellectual debate!”


I bet this douchebag is advising that sniveling filth Chaffetz on termus interuptus.

Some idle speculations. He had scheduled with the organizers to leave at 1:30. Maybe he was expecting an event-disrupting disturbance, Milo Yianhoweveryouspellit, Richard Spencer and Ben Shapiro have made right wing bank with that. Or more laughably, a miscommunication resulted in his agents-provocateurs not showing up. No matter what happened, he figured he had time to squeeze that Bund meeting he left for into a busy day’s schedule. Maybe he’s a little disappointed there wasn’t fist fight, broken bank/Starbucks windows, and flaming squad car footage for Breitbart and the White House.


They couldn’t make their bus transfer.


So does Trump. When Trump is confronted in society by ordinary citizens he dries up and blows away. He tries to act tough “under color of authority” or when the cameras are on him. Ditto Christie and Giuliani. All blowhard assholes.

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Me. I used to rent from one.

They’re ALL weenies!

A little background about Gorka. He comes from a Hungarian family that supported the Nazis occupiers during WWII and turned Hungarian Jews over to the Gestapo. The Hungarian Government provided army units to the Wermacht which fought on the side of the Nazis in Russia.


If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the Reichstag.


He rides for the King’s hunting lodge at Zenda…


Especially when insisting that there was no need at all to understand the language, since you can just read translations. Arabic is notorious for words that have multiple meanings and/or no direct translation into other language. Another one, of course, is Greek, which happens to be what he snidely cites as also irrelevant. If you don’t understand Greek, it’s hard to fully get a lot of philosophy. The 1600-year-old schism between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Oriental Orthodox Church (e.g. the Coptic, Armenian, and Ethiopian churches) is based largely on a concept that can only be properly expressed in Greek and is essentially meaningless in other languages.

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