Discussion: GOP's 'Hillary Fatigue' Meme Unravels Even More With New Poll Findings

you poor moron you, stop watching Faux news and wake up you poor thing you.

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Percentages donā€™t elect the POTUS.
EVs do.

If Texas-- where a year ago HRC outpolled EVERY well-known Ā® candidate by several percentage points-- flips?
Itā€™s over before 10pm on Election Day '16.

Julian Castro as a running mate might well make that happen.



Letā€™s face it, she is the only person seriously mentioned as a presidential candidate except for Biden and Warren, who is remotely qualified to be President. Simply none of the Republicans are up to the task. The American people know it.


The Republicans must be frightened shitless about their presidential primaries when a bunch of crackpot digbats debate each other to find out who is the craziest nut job cracker dumb shit butthead. Then that dumb shit bitthead will have to run in the general election. I weep for my country.

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the electorate seems to favor handyrandy by a wide margin over cruzcontrol.

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Why not put Castro at the top of the ticket? If heā€™s good enough for VP, then heā€™s good enough for POTUS.

We had a troll here a couple weeks back suggesting Bill is not Chelseaā€™s real dad.

I kid you not.

Paul is squirrely but I donā€™t think heā€™d be able to hold up to serious scrutiny nor do I think heā€™d be able to survive the point by points of his ever shifting positions.
I also think the guy is terribly thin-skinned and would self destruct quickly.



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Do 91% of the American Public know who Meg Whitman is? Do 9% of the American public know who Meg Whitman is? Who IS Meg Whitman??

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Iā€™d certainly vote for her in the general, but Iā€™m not now, and never have been, excited by her candidacy


I think that the fact that a woman is running for President and has a good chance to win will sweep away a lot of this ā€œfatigue.ā€

Great photo of Hillary. I expect to see it on the DC tomorrow, under a headline that reads, ā€œHillary Laughs at Benghazi Dead.ā€

In many ways, the Randroid is a lot like his dad: If you catch him at the right moment on the right topic, it sounds like he makes really good sense. But if you hang around and listen for a while, you realize that this guy is as crazy and unmoored as your average TP raider. And when Paulbot 2.0 tries to ā€œplay the gameā€ (as he did when he ā€œsupportedā€ Yertl in his primary), he sounds utterly foolish and totally opportunistic.

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By definition, trolls do trollish stuff. It would be surprising only if they didnā€™t, but then again they wouldnā€™t be trolls if they made sense and werenā€™t intentionally inflammatory. It isnā€™t that hard to just blow them off and not give them a second thought, thatā€™s where Iā€™m at.

If I was Wash Rinse Repriebus, Iā€™d show the debates on tape delay, so I could edit out the truly crazy/stupid/vile/mean-spirited shit ā€“ i.e. booing soldiers, ā€œLet 'em dieā€, etc. The trouble is, the ā€œdebateā€ would be only fifteen minutes long, and most of that would be the opening and closing credits.

There isnā€™t really any fatigue, just an unraveling ā€œmemeā€ of fatigue. If the Republicans are pushing this false claim then the reality is the dead opposite. They donā€™t do the honest truth.

Precisely. If the Republicans try to tell you thereā€™s ā€œHillary fatigueā€ you can be quite sure there isnā€™t, at least among Democrats. Republicans are indeed tired of hearing about Hillary because it is a portent of their impending doom. Republicans are big on projection. Anything a Republican tells you is going to be a projection of his/her own values, fears, or mood onto the situation. This is because conservatives lack empathy and therefore cannot envisage a situation from someone elseā€™s point of view. They can only project what they would do in a given situation onto others. If conservatives had empathy, they wouldnā€™t be conservatives in the first place.


What is that, psychopath, sociopath, lunacy? Seriously, we are dealing with deranged people and not really realizing that that must be taken into account in every single instance.
Taking them with a grain, or two or twenty, of salt should be the SOP. They say X, we know itā€™s Y. They get angry, we know they are covering up something. They blame to distract, they project to dodge responsibility. Itā€™s all phony and we have ourselves to blame some for allowing ourselves to play their game. They arenā€™t operating on a truthful basis and that is rock solid fact.

These are basic observations and with the help of a few psychiatrists we might realize that we are making some classic mistakes in dealing with them.

Hillary herself in fact said that they arenā€™t functioning in a reality based world. She is going to eat them alive once she really gets going.

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