Discussion: GOP Rep. Resigns From Freedom Caucus After Obamacare Repeal Fails

He has got a really big nose, hasn’t he?.

What a feeling of safe-haven to know that he doesn’t get singled out over that!

I mean, I bet you almost nobody calls him the schnoz or the beak or Foghorn or Snotlocker or schnozzola man, or honker, and I can’t tell you what a comfort this is to me!

This can’t help but remind me of the Nazi’s who used to march those who’d been caught wearing (a) sign(s) of their “crime(s)” around town.

[quote=“jhand, post:10, topic:53588”]…order you to walk around the business you had tried to steal from with a sign that described your crime.

10 Commandments? The whole fucking house would vote it down if it came to a vote. Does he realize how many “bad” things that bill would stand for. No stealing, bearing false witness, coveting, etc? Hardly something a good winger could support.

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