Discussion: GOP Rep: Border Crisis Won't Hurt GOP Since 'Americans Care More About Americans'

Give us a couple of months, sir.

We’ll make it VERY clear as to what Americans care about more.

We may care about Americans, but we also care about justice and democracy.

You’re going home, sir, with all deliberate speed.


Oh, that makes holding toddlers as hostages in cages totally a-ok then. Please proceed.


Hmm. Not sure. I wasn’t home schooled…

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Well that isn’t going to fly in Dallas either or in New Mexico much of anywhere,


I ceased to think of them as Americans some time ago

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I expected better from Pete King.

“if it’s not in the public eye”

Spoken like a true burgher, Steve.

It appears at least one federal judge may hopefully be on the verge of making some heads roll.


“This immediate crisis seems to be going away. And if they aren’t arresting families every weekend, then yeah, it’s going away, from the public eye. And if it’s not in the public eye, if you don’t have the dramatic footage, there is always another issue that comes along. There’s a new issue every week.”




That district is really into Peter King.

No, WASP’s are on the North Shore Nassau County. Wanna-be WASP’s anyway. Very few real WASP’s on Long Island left. Grew up surrounded by them. Cut their lawns, etc. Drank with their sons. Wonderful people actually (really). Understood the value of the Middle Class.

Pete’s district, I think (senior), covered parts of Nassau/Suffolk blend, some with money but mostly the Joey Buttafuoco crowd/mentality. Little known fact: Pete King has/had a strong Muslim contingent/following for decades on Long Island. Only in America.


You might study what Cromwell did to the Irish to get a better understanding of the Irish and the IRA.

Just saying.

It will in Wyoming – you’ll notice that Liz Cheney was the only woman at the table yesterday when Hair Furor held his photo-op with all the other old white men to talk about immigration.

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I generally do care more about Americans. I also care about keeping families together. The latter has absolutely nothing to do with the former.


More like we all helped the Russians with that. We sent pretty massive amounts of material aid, and suffered a fair number of casualties, but the Russian death toll was a couple of orders of magnitude higher than any Western nation (estimated to be about 13.7% of the population, vs 0.32% for the U.S. and about 0.94% for Great Britain).

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Of course it will play in Wyoming. And in the Dakotas no doubt but he’s running out of America where this plays well.


Americans? Geography please, sir we all share the American continent. There’s North America and South America these immigrants come from south America. You would think our resources could’ve been spent in a much better way to help develop their resources so that their people do not seek out someplace else to live. We would not have this immigration problem if our money and resources was spent in South America instead of house Kidnap children.

And here we are again at the wall, Humpty Dumpty fell off his wall Humpty Dumpty had a grateful all these kings horses and all these kings men couldn’t put Humpty back together again. Even the first lady. Yes see Donald Trump is cracked, he’s nuts Donald Trump is for Donald Trump and the GOP Republicans are running in circles trying to make him fit to some degree anywhere . Donald Trump is his own party. Which changes from day today. And that’s it in an egg shell.

The point is that Peter King had no problem representing the interests of non-American over those of Americans when he saw fit.

If you want to defend or excuse the terroristic methods of the IRA, as opposed to to their political aspirations, go right ahead.



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On Full Frontal with Samantha Bee last night she disclosed real reason why the fear of brown people is so acute among American xenophobes: The secret plan to kidnap our precious white daughters and subject them to forced quinceañeras.

The horror. The horror.


To be an American is to care about those people.

Go look at the nearest colossal copper statue you might have sitting around, Mr. King.

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