Discussion: George Zimmerman's Dad: If FBI Comes For My Son, 'He’s Probably Gonna Shoot A Few Of Them'

FBI to Zimmerman:

Go ahead … make my day.


Maybe should have included “no interviews” on that list, eh?


He isn’t going to get any of them. Federal marshals are trained in arrest tactics for criminals far more dangerous than this asshole. He pulls a gun on there guys, its another dead asshole


KEEP youR PHone CALLS or TexTs shoRt BecaUSE THE fedS can’t TRIANGUlate YOur POsition from Cell PHONE towERS. THaT’s WHAt It SAYs WHEN I GOOGLe THE intERNet WhicH I keEP in MY gO-bag.


This is great news for Zimmerman! He’s now so paranoid that whenever the FBI knock on his door, he’s completely justified in shooting to kill. Heck, he has two legal theories to back him up: Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground. After all, how is he to know for sure that the people with the FBI jackets bashing down his front door aren’t agents of the Agenda 21 UN One World Government? As long as he can demonstrate that he was afraid for his life, he will surely walk free.


Ah yes…

As I just now posted in the Hive

No matter which side one came down on in the death of Trayvon Martin, the following is something I posted back in July of 2013 as the jury deliberated…

If in the event Zimmerman goes free due to the "stand your ground law" or "self defense" he will always be marked and remembered as the man who killed another human being, a 17 year old boy in cold blood.

He'll forever be looking over his shoulder and checking out every single person that he comes in contact with the rest of his life. He'll forever have to wonder whether the people he comes in contact with know who he is.

My point is that no matter all the other hoopla and rhetoric that has transpired, in the mind of George Zimmerman for the rest of his life, will always be this incident first and foremost. And that he, George Zimmerman, no matter his personal reason/s will carry the memory and the burden, his burden alone that he killed another human being in cold blood. And again, that alone will rightfully eat the innards right out of him.

Not one of us will carry that burden.

He will... To his grave!





They watched the movie Argo to learn how to live like CIA.

Hahahahahaha…Just like Georgie watched “The Watch” to learn how to live like a cop.


Why shouldn’t they suffer what they’re suffering and just how smart is it to threaten the FBI? What more could this man say to verify what critics have said about his creep of a son?


Zimmerman is actually a Latino, but hey…

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I have zero sympathy for this lot and the hole they dug themselves into.
Zimmerman’s worried he might shoot the FBI if they come around? That doesn’t doesn’t sound like he’s worried at all.
Code Brown and Code Black are pretty telling, too. Code White is bring on the biscuits and gravy?


This family is living in its own self-imposed hell. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


And this guy got off?

He must believe he can get away with murder, but I think he is going to be surprised if he opens up on the FBI. They will respond in kind and he won’t live long.


Yeah, there’s another family that actually lost a son… parents who have to wake up every morning and remember yet again that their son is gone… siblings who grow older and remember the teen who never will…
You know, Zimmermans, you’re just crazy. You want to be both perpetrators and victims.


Too bad GZ couldn’t just take his whooping like a man


After George was found not guilty of second-degree murder in July 2013, Robert began thinking about how to accelerate the Zimmerman rebranding project. There had to be a way to capitalize on George’s notoriety. A family business, maybe. He and his mother had an idea: George could be the frontman for a home-security company called Z Security Products. “They all start with Z,” Robert explained, walking me through an imagined product line. “There’s the Z Bar, the Z Rock, and the Z Beam. They’re all targeted to women. One is to secure sliding doors. One is to put in the front door. The light is to carry and is designed by George. It has a little alarm—you know, Help me, help me!”

Lawd hammercy!

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I’d give you a thumbs down for that if I could.
We have enough crAZy here as it is.

Your fat son will be too busy shitting his pants.


If they send their youngest agents and have them wearing hoodies and carrying skittles, maybe he’d shoot someone, otherwise he hasn’t got the balls.


I think we all know he won’t shoot any of them. Armed targets are strictly too scary for the likes of him.

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