Discussion: Gallup: Trump Approval Rating Now Lower Than Obama, Clinton Records

The importance of this is, besides giving us a nice boost of schadenfreude, is whether the GOP leadership in Congress will appreciate the toxicity of this orange cancer and turn on him (impeach and replace). Still unlikely because they have their own agenda - pass tax cuts for the rich, as always - and need him to be a rubber stamp. We’re going to have to watch this limbo until 2018 when we have a chance at a nice new Democratic house. Extra bonus: witnessing spectacular flame out of bills like the AHCA on Friday.



I don’t want W to skate from lying us into war and tanking the country so I’m for a 3-way tie at 24% between Nixon, W and Precedent Trump.


Dems should be all over Appalachia with this news if they want to see Trump sink further.


and donnie’s approval ratings are propped up by the very same deplorables + whatever the putin trolls can add to it

seems about 63% of folks have some sort of attachment to reality

whereas, clearly 37% love them some alternative reality

I have thought since the Bush II days that there seems to be 27% of deadenders out there that strictly out of partisanship will support the R, hence the need for true pain related to R governance that needs to be felt to “shock 'em” out of their trance of reflective voting


Rough week, at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., huh?

Time for a big-league barrage of Bannon-crafted extra-legal Executive Orders. Ring up Breitbart & Fox News to prime the pump for non-stop promotion!


Which is a solid majority. Very solid. The country isn’t any dumber than any other country.


And only 2 months into his presidency. During the freaking honeymoon period!!!

This bodes badly for us staying out of a military conflict.


I think they will turn on him if another healthcare-type debacle happens. If he can’t do their bidding, they have no use for him and Pence is more than happy to oblige.

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We just don’t win anymore… like we did when Obama was President.


I actually came here looking for an answer for this. I may be wrong, but I think to maximize sample size for accuracy and also to minimize day-to-day event fluctuations–and maybe reduce head count at Gallup–the survey is done over a period of time, equally throughout the week. People in the econ field always mention this kind of thing in connection with the BLS jobs numbers for each month. It’s my impression that most of the survey reflects opinions BEFORE the debacle. You may say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m hoping it’s worse next week.


yeah. but too many forgot to vote or made a non-choice.


What’s changing is that conventional Repubs are slowly coming around & seeing that there’s something seriously awry with their guy in the White House.

Gradually it’s sinking in that this guy is King Midas in Reverse… Everything he touches turns to… uhhh,

COMPOST. Yeah. That’s it. That’s what we’ll generously choose to call it.


And Nixon (at least) never was accused of spying for the Soviets.


It’s not as though the electorate didn’t know they were electing a loser. And that is spelled L. O. S. E. R.

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This is something that is starting to really puzzle me.

Politicians of all stripes have extremely well developed senses of self preservation and are risk averse.

Why would so many GOPers still be willing to provide cover for Trump at this point, particularly on the Russian front. That IS going to continue (Comey confirmed investigations are on-going) for quite some time. One would think that the “wait and see” approach would be emerging en masse, especially given the poor showing on the healthcare bill.


Well the fact that they voted for him in the first place should tell you they aren’t too bright to begin with…


8 days in a row of the Dow closing down.

but a nice little run for the shorts.


Call me when this rock hits terminal velocity, because I think we have a ways to go.


Pence was head of the transition team when Sally Yates told them that Flynn had lied to congress during his confirmation hearings.

PeePee then lied to all of us when he said that he’d fired Flynn for lying to Pence.

So either Pence is a liar or Pence or too incompetent to be president since he clearly didn’t have the leadership skills to head the transition.

Or both.

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