Discussion: Fox News: Ben Carson Warns Trump Camp Bracing For More Revelations

And changing her story now would create more problems for her, legally, than it would for Bill. Lying in a deposition is lying under oath. That’s a prison sentence.


To your point on what candidates does the GOP have…

Consider: what candidates did either party really have? The task of running for any public office, not just POTUS, is so onerous anymore that truly good solid peopl with terrific public service backgrounds can’t begin. This is the result of decades of slander and background checks and outright lies that, repeated often enough, become truth (think Swiftboating).

What legitimate individual would consider running for anything in this environment?

Ok…lets get to the heart of Trump trying to make the case,and why its such a horrible idea for him.

What Trump will be arguing is that he is just as bad as Bill (remember, Trump has had actual sexual assault charges brought up against him in court, and is facing an actual rape case in December). That tears at the very reason that republicans have been hating the Clintons for years. There is no way to spin that as “Clinton assaulted women is bad, but Trump assaulting women is good”…either assaulting women is bad, in which case they are both despicable, or assaulting women is good, in which case, Bill actually isn’t all that bad.

And none of that discussion lays a finger on Hillary…who is, in case you forgot, a woman.

This allegation by the way, never passed muster and was filled with holes from the get go. Nothing in her story is consistent with any of the other “Clinton women”'s details. She freaking continued to help fund raise for Bill after the alleged incident.

But you want to lock on to it like a starving dog on to a bone. Like pretty much every other Arkansas swamp water drinker did to every other conspiracy theory about the Clintons.

You “can’t just dismiss it” but apparently have zero problem in dismissing actual assault charges, that were and are literally in the court system against Trump…even after hearing him brag about how he feels he can assault women freely on tape. And, btw, what Trump describes in his own words, is 100% consistent with the sworn testimony…in court…of his 2nd assault victim, and is matching up with numerous other women coming forward…literally down to the details of the Tic Tacs and the “grab the pussy” move.


He seems awfully “concerned.”


Wow…really?? Both sides are the same?

What about Martin O’Malley? Sherrod Brown? Al Franken? Elijah Cummings? Corey Booker? Elizabeth Warren?

You really think any of those candidates have the same sort of history Trump has? Or anything even close to that level of toxicity?

The GOP base rejected Rubio, Bush, Christie, Paul, Graham, Kasich, etc…BECAUSE they wanted somebody toxic like Trump or Cruz. The entire republican campaign as been the right (their base) lifting a collective middle finger to everyone else in America. While the Democratic campaign has been about improving the country for EVERYBODY on both sides of the aisle.

And let’s also be real clear on something here…Trump has NOT been swiftboated. Every problem he has, including this current one, have all been of his own doing. And its been right there for the media to dig through all along. The republican base simply doesn’t care because…they want to scream “F U” to rest of America.


Carson gives a bad name to ‘expectation management’.

Except for you know, the actual cases against him describe him doing precisely that. But hey, bullshit rape charges that even Kenneth Starr dismissed as without merit, you are totally on the train with that.


Ghouliani’s spin this morning:

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Sunday that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump could have just been “exaggerating” when he said in 2005 he could “grab” women “by the pussy” and get away with it because he’s famous.
Voters shouldn’t trust what Trump says, at least when it comes to bragging about committing sexual assault, Giuliani implied.
“Talk and actions are two different things,” Giuliani said in an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press.” “I don’t know how much he was exaggerating, I don’t know how much is true.”
“It was 10 or 12 years ago. He wasn’t at that time, you know, running for office, he wasn’t thinking of office. He’s gone through a very, very intensive process, as you know it is, in running for president,” Giuliani said. “He understands the responsibility is on his shoulders now, which wasn’t there back then.”


Saw that.


Mary Matalin’s grave face and word salad on This Week is just as hilarious.


Um, Rudy? Wasn’t just audio.
That video was convincingly supportive.

Though credit to The Ghoul-- there are plenty of stupid ®s looking for any excuse to dismiss the inexcusable.



Kristen Gillbrand, Sheldon Whitehouse, . . . I confess I’m coming up short on governors. Jerry Brown is just plain too old now.

But you know, a Republican wouldn’t ever really have to pass the level of vetting Democrats do because the IOKYR factor is very real. But a couple of elections worth of IOKYR filtered vetting would help them avoid things like this.


you got it. if people were worried that the clinton campaign would not know how to handle trump, they were quite mistaken. drip, leak, kaboom! repeat as needed.

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They can vote for whomever they want, but the problem is that there won’t be enough of them to make a difference. I think HO may have even flipped Utah into Hillary’s column with this disgusting tape.

she’s got plenty of friends to do that kind of work. elizabeth, bern, joe, harry, the obamas, etc. she can do a little coy bitch slapping and let the others deliver the bombs…


What do you know about Bill Clinton now?

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i love little feat. bill gates is a huge fan, too.


she looked severely constipated to me.

True, but the trick is getting the sponsors. I work in radio advertising and none of our clients, mostly large consumer brands, don’t want to touch political talk radio. That means that PTR has to reach out to second- and third-tier sponsors, who don’t have the bucks.


I really do hope you’re right. I fear, though, that you overestimate the integrity and essential goodness of many of our fellow Americans.

That and his philanthropy amount to two things I can think of that I like about Bill Gates. But Little Feat were great. Wish I’d seen them before Lowell George’s untimely death. : (

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