Discussion: Fox Guest: 'Unfair' Of 'Anti-Testicular Police' To Condemn Ray Rice (VIDEO)

I do not want to pass judgment here on the Rice couple. I see this as quite similar to the Michael Vick dog fighting scandal in which a lot of people found out that dog fighting is illegal. Sure, and dog fighting still goes on but now people know it is not an acceptable behavior. Vick owned up to his wrongs and was accepted back after paying his debt to society.
Wife beaters will still abuse their families. If brought to court, public opinion will influence jury verdicts, and prosecutors will polish their careers by publicizing their vigorous cases against domestic violence. There is a long way to go and this is a good time to take some steps to reduce the problem.

Pretty much that. As long as he stays a rich black guy who’s never articulated any support for progressives.

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Sadly, yes. Remember, the GOP must gain every demographic that is not liberals, women, minorities or the more educated & intelligent. Racists, bigots, women haters, kooks, gun nuts, birthers, etc. are all that are left at the bottom of the barrel for Fox and the GOP.

Don’t over-think her motives. She’s just one of many journalistic prostitutes employed at News Corp. It’s solely about the paycheck for them, and basic moral decency is just an obstacle to career advancement at Fox News.


Fox outreach to women looks a lot like a left hook.


That was my first thought exactly. I felt like the whole thing was theater. Good cop bad cop.
I just find it hard to believe she came up with that alone. Too gimmicky.

Yet still a huge fail.


“I think it’s interesting that the anti-testicular police are coming out
and just taking this guy’s balls and ripping them off and not paying attention to the fact that there is a family here,” Holder said. “That there were decisions to be made behind closed doors. That also, Miss (sic) Rice, formerly Miss Palmer, she played a role in it.”

Chill pill needed ASAP on aisle 5!!!

Sadly the left overs from all those other demographics is about 45% of the voting population. (Holds-head-in-hands)

I just read a tweet from Magic Johnson. He said (I’m paraphrasing) that he was glad Rice was released and that a man should NEVER hit a woman.

The responses he got were mind numbing. From bringing up his AIDS to how his son should not dress up like a woman.

I’ve also got into conflicts with people who seem to be implying it’s her fault and she deserved what she got.

So yeah, from what I’m seeing, there is a lot of support for Rice and what he did.
And this is disturbing to me.

That’s a depressing thought. [joins in group “Oye!”]

Since I saw the video of “the left hook” and the subsequent dragging of her body like…a sack of potatoes. I’ve spent time in my own head reviewing my relationship with Mrs darr. We are past half way through our third decade and I can count on three fingers the times we have raised our voices in a “discussion”. I thank my lucky stars for her. Domestic violence, heck ANY violence between people (except maybe the violence of an athletic event) should be avoided if at all possible.


“There’s a rule in life, Tamara, that every man understands: you never lay a hand on a woman,” Hannity said. “Period.”

Wait one Sean:

“There’s a rule in life, Tamara, that every man, after being taught by his parents, should understand: you never lay a hand on a woman,” Hannity said. “Period.”

There, fixed it for ya…I just had a hard time agreeing with ya outright.
Geeesh! Where’s the bourbon?

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Women like Tamara and men like Hannity are the reason gender-specific profanities came into being.


Is this Tamara Holden blonde one of Rupert Murdoch’s masseuses who takes care of his happy endings? Her analogies seem inspired by these experiences.

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She married him, true. “It’s their business”, not so
true. we live in a community of law. A victim of
domestic violence can no longer rescind charges,
no different from a child abuse or elder abuse
victim who is attached emotionally and financially to
the perpetrator. As for being ‘good’ since high school
you would be amazed at the number of convicted felons
who committed ‘just one’ crime. Society has a role in
protecting those who may fear protecting themselves.
If Rice’s career is ‘ruined’ it is his call as to whether
he breaks from the denial you espouse and
rehabilitates. Yes the NFL has been called out,
as no one, celebrity or not, is above the law.

Translation: Real men punch their women in the face, knocking them unconscious.

Wonder if Ms. Holder would be so righteous if she had been on the receiving end of this type of domestic violence.

She seems nice. I wonder how she would feel if it was her cranium?

It’s a man’s world, TrumpDog.

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Interesting how FOX gets the nobody commentator to make the most extreme and outlandish comments in order to make their marquee hacks look temperate and reasonable by comparison. So f-ing transparent.


So, the only way I can determine if I have testicles or not is to use a woman as a punching bag, then kick her a few times as I drag her across the floor and tell everyone nearby it’s, y’know, OKay because she’s all drunk and shit.

Hey, Tamara, why don’t you step into my elevator and let’s test your worldview out for a few rounds. Do I get bonus points for using a baseball bat? Or, is it more manly if I use my fists and feet?

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White woman talks of emasculating black man on Faux. Don’t miss it!

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