Discussion: Ex-ADL Head: Trump Hand-Raising Request Was 'Fascist Gesture'

Okay, the “salute” thing is way way off the point (the issue is the coerced personal vote pledge to Trump, not the way people held their arms).

But, defending the “salute” here, the normal way to take an oath where I live is to have your right arm straight out to the side and forearm up, somewhat like what you see Trump doing there in the photo but my parents would have said that is the way an old feeble person or criminally lazy person takes an oath. The top of the arm should go straight out to the side or more up than out. That said, when you are in an auditorium where everyone is standing it is generally impossible to hold that pose without elbowing someone’s nose, so the “oath” gesture tends to be less of a right-angle at the elbow and more of an almost-straight raised right hand. By the time that gesture gets a few rows back, yeah, you’re doing a straight-arm “Hitler salute” type of gesture. Maybe it is a regional type of thing, but I’ve seen this happen in very non-fascist settings in both Massachusetts and California.

Okay, again, the gesture’s similarity to a Nazi salute is completely beside the point, though. What makes this fascistic is the words that Trump led the crowd in reciting, and the admonition he gave afterwards about bad things happening if they break their oath. That is fascist, no matter how you are holding your arms when the oath is taken.

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That’s really all this is. And as someone else pointed out, in a crowd you would need to extend your arm more both to be seen, but also to avoid elbowing the person next to you.

Check out this shot of Obama at his election night rally.

Is it a victory wave to all the people who support him…or a Hitler salute? I suspect the former.

This is a bunch of nonsense, and is in no way chilling. I find it humorous that the “shock jock” has idiot followers. And frankly, I hope he wins the nomination because he will get his ass kicked in the general.

And of Trump, Rubio or Cruz, believe it or not, Trump is the least scary to me. He’s all hot air. Cruz and Rubio are serious about what they say. Trump is not going to build a wall, enact torture, etc. He’s saying this shit for attention. But if he ever got in office, he’s actually more liberal socially than Rubio or Cruz. It’s all a big show. Oh, that does not mean I want him to win over a Dem, no way. But given a choice of Cruz, Rubio or Trump, I’d take that asshole showboat over the psychos.

"Bad things happen if you don’t live up to what you just did”

So this is a Nazi chain letter, right?

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Yeah, go cry somewhere else.

Yes, I should have added it’s on cross! My bad but thanks! :smile: