Discussion: Energy Firm Apologizes For Threatening To Withdraw Workers From Puerto Rico

Among many other questions, how does this company have sufficient insurance and working capital to take on this project?

Trump promised to get rid of the old crooks in Washington. He didnā€™t say how, and now we knowā€“he is replacing them with new crooks.


Why do I keep thinking of ā€œWar Dogsā€ when I read about this companyā€¦

Whitefish Energy Holdings is based in Interior Secretary Ryan Zinkeā€™s hometown in Montana. When Hurricane Maria hit, Whitefish Energy Holdings had two employees: CEO Andrew Techmanski, who is a personal friend of Zinkeā€™s, and partner Joe Colonnetta, who donated nearly $140,000 to the RNC and the Trump campaign. Zinkeā€™s office says that although he spoke with his friend Andrew Techmanski in the weeks following the hurricane, he played no role in awarding the contract.


Especially when there are only two of you?

One of the two employees is a hedge fund manager who donated bigly to trumpā€™s campaign and inauguration.


does anybody think mayor cruz looks kinda cute in that photo? :smiley:

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Iā€™m sorry jerkwads. You recā€™d 300m from US TAXPAYERS to repair PRā€™s electrical grid. You donā€™t GET to threaten and harass. If you feel ā€˜picked onā€™ give the money back and weā€™ll find someone else.

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My virus blocker came up with a threat on that site.

The Whitefish Energy Holdings owners/operators/donors must have all earned their BS degrees in Bullying from Trump Univershitty.

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Does anyone else think that your a sexist asshole for posting that?

Take them back. Send the $300 million.

This stinks like rotting ā€œWhitefishā€
However - just looking at it in total abstract way - the use of a company the has the ability to tap into a large contracted network may be the most time efficient path to addressing the situation- financially it may have economic inefficiencies as there will be % sliced off at multiple levels - but ramping up a large bureaucratic organization to tackle this might have been a time consuming task.

The key is:

  • are the Whitefish guys savvy rapid responders? - almost like calling in old Red Adair the famous oil well firefighter - Red knew his stuff and got things doneā€¦in very rapid fashion.
  • or -
    -are the Whitefish guys just a couple of flim-flam schmucks who are harvesting a payoff for having been supportive donors.

With all of the opportunistic charlatans who have capitalized upon natural disasters, it is the height of stupidity to not provide transparency in this situation.


They were just ā€œjoking.ā€

one canā€™t compliment on her looks without being sexist asshole? lighten up.


Jesus H. Christ, after the Mark Halperin and the George HW Bush stories today, you even need to ask that?

Whitefish did take some initial risk (unless they had some nonpublic information that allowed them to act knowing that there was no risk), but not a great deal. PREPA was in bankruptcy, but they did have something like $100 million in operational funds (per a radio broadcast I heard), and the initial contract was for only a few million dollars.

That risk is mostly gone, as long as the work is acceptable to PREPA and FEMA. Whitefish invoices weekly, and PREPA has 7 days to approve the invoices and 3 days after that to make payment. Most importantly, per the contract:

The Contractor acknowledges that starting on October 25, 2017, FEMA financial assistance will be used to fund this Contract.

PREPA has to pay Whitefish even if FEMA cuts off funding to PREPA, but the $300 million in the contract is a maximum amount, not a guarantee. PREPA can cancel the contract with 30 days notice, limiting its (and, therefore, also Whitefishā€™s) exposure if it loses funding.

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There is no way this mom and pop shop would ever make it as a finalist in a competitive process for a project this large and complex. PR should kick these guys out now, because it is almost certain that they will badly underperform and PR will be stuck having to redo much of the work.

Oklahoma firm Mammoth Energy Services Inc, got a contract for $200 million with ā€œthe local electric utility on the islandā€ to repair power lines and infrastructure.

Article from Daily Oklahoman dated Oct 21.

Could this be a part of the $300 million or is it a different contract entirely? This is a big company, but primarily oil-field oriented.

And I just found out its headquarters is located less than a mile from my house!

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