Discussion: Dems: Trump Officials Worked With Activists To Target State Dept. Career Staff

That’s all Democrats are good for…snark.

You’re right, it’s not like the last time Dems were in power and those who started an unnecessary and ruinous Iraq War and nearly brought the country into a Second Great Depression were held to account. Remember all those people going to prison?

Yeah me neither.

Snark away since it’s all you’re good at…enjoy it because none of these people will suffer any consequences. Democrats are effete pussies not up to this fight.


Gingrich is a foul stench indeed!

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They may not be in the majority, but the Dems have only a few that are stepping into the breech to show the American people what they are made of. Adam Schiff comes to mind. The Dems can make plenty of noise in the minority the same way the GOP has always done. The Dems can keep banging the drum instead of joining in to GOP efforts to gut the nation and the economy as they did with the Dodd-Frank reversal earlier this week. What was it - 21 Dems that voted for it? With those kinds of friends, who needs enemies?

You are welcome to your opinion; I am to mine.

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When they had the power, did Democrats hold to account the people who defrauded the country in the banking and mortgage industries? Who was held to account for getting us fraudulently into the Iraq War?

Nope. We were told to ‘look forward, not backward’. And the regular commenters here were fully on board.

Democrats are effete pussies not up to this, or any fight.

“When are the Democrats?” and other tired variations, i.e., “are effete pussies” represent one of the lamest, knee-jerk, and untrue political memes in existence today.


its true, the entire GOP MO now is “make us stop”. They can win nothing on the merits anymore, they keep breaking more and more norms, they’ve gone full-criminality and conspiracy with a foreign enemy and and they’ve thrown all civility in politics in the trash. Whether we like the “disruption” or not, at this point the only way to right the country is to look backward (in direct contrast to Obama’s “looking forward”). Investigate, prosecute, sentence, incarcerate and broadcast the damage done by conservatives to our liberal democracy. They must pay - they are asking us to make them suffer.

Edit: Yes, like becca said upthread. And of course I mean once the Dems have the power.


You just don’t get it, you’re supposed to vote for the Democrats and keep your mouth shut. Especially about any Wall St connections.

The only thing Democrats care about is getting to 51% in 2020 so they can be first in line for all the sweet Wall St cash, and those sweet corporate no show jobs. Yippeee!

They already laid the foundation by joining the GOP to gut Dodd-Frank!

That’s true but…the Republicans tried this with the US Attorneys under Bush…they can’t just ‘fire’ them but they will always find ‘cause’ even if they have to trump it up…


So go start your own party

Sneering at what we’ve got changes nothing. And in this day and age it makes you look all Russian around the edges, too.


They would have had the Obama administration done it — they would have started a three year investigation.

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I’m outraged! Right? I mean, I guess this is to be expected, though…

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You notice these people never criticize the republicans - it’s the dems that are at fault for not DOING something.

Maybe not Russians as much as that longed for third party.


Gingrich. I thought HE was dead, too.


I bow to greatness!

So…I wonder if Nowrouzzadeh would have been treated differently if her family had come from Normay?


I thought Ms. Gingrich had already returned to Mars.


Who did u back in '16?


Sanders, then Hillary.

Looks like this is becoming a trend of the Trump autocracy.

At the VA: https://apnews.com/5061a8e30e974e689a19e1f3d05c62c8/Besieged-from-within,-VA’s-Shulkin-hangs-on-as-support-wanes

In a Dec. 4 internal email obtained by the AP, Jake Leinenkugel, a senior aide installed as part of a Cabinet-wide program to monitor secretaries’ loyalty, said Shulkin was becoming increasingly distrustful and regarded Camilo Sandoval, a senior adviser in VA’s health arm, as a White House “spy.”

The email to Sandoval alluded to White House efforts to gain more control, including ousting Shulkin’s chief of staff, and said the secretary had been “put on notice to exit” once the administration gets the Choice legislation through Congress.

At the EPA: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/15/us/politics/epa-scott-pruitt-foia.html

The firm, Definers Public Affairs, based in Virginia, specializes in conducting opposition research, meaning that it seeks to find damaging information on political or corporate rivals.

A vice president for the firm, Allan Blutstein, federal records show, has submitted at least 40 Freedom of Information Act requests to the E.P.A. since President Trump was sworn in. Many of those requests target employees known to be questioning management at the E.P.A. since Scott Pruitt, the agency’s administrator, was confirmed.

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