Discussion: Cruz Disses Rubio On Foreign Policy By Comparing Him To Hillary Clinton

Children, children…I mean, seriously, you’re a couple of fucking children. Both of you should resign and let the adults get on with tackling the world’s problems.

Don’t forget the classic “military intelligence”.

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The best part is that NATO suffered one fatality. A British airman was killed in a traffic accident in Italy.

Wait, Cruz supported Qaddafi?

“Senator Rubio emphatically supported Hillary Clinton in toppling [Muammar] Qaddafi in Libya."

So did John McCain. And Lindsey Graham. And Kelly ‘the 3rd Amiga’ Ayotte. And Mark Kirk.


This cub-nadian, doesn’t know anything. Why is anyone listening to him?

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Four Americans tragically killed is a result of “a massive foreign policy blunder” — but 5000 Americans killed, tens of thousands grievously wounded, hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis killed, trillions of dollars of taxpayer money down a rathole, Iran’s hand strengthened in the region, the chaos leading to the creation of ISIS - all after being lied into invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 - oops.


Naa, its simplier than that. Who is his opponent for that speech? Cruz is against whatever that person is for…its pure contrarian. If he is talking about Obama, he wants boots on the ground now, if he is talking about Rubio, he doesn’t want American involvement.


What a shame for Cruz that nobody but Texans have underestimated the Cuban Canadian threat to this nation. Return to the Motherland, you freeloading Christian Wrong terrorist.

Otherwise known as a “reverse Friedman Unit

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One thing’s for sure, Cruz would never be anywhere near the fighting under any circumstances. I heard a rumor that the real reason he finally renounced his Canadian citizenship was because the Maple Leaf nation was going to draft men over the age of 40.

He doesn’t use his real name. He wasn’t born in America. His father fought for Castro. And his wife is a Wall Street lobbyist. You can’t be a bigger fraud than that.

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So Cruz is pissing and moaning that Muammar Qaddafi was eliminated?
what was he? a personal friend?

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Did not know Cruz was pro-Qaddafi, but then I guess Cruz would be comfortable around dictators, being Cuban and all.

Didn’t Reagan personally try to have Qaddafi killed by having his house targeted in 1986? If St. Ronnie wanted him dead, you’d think Republicans would want him dead too. Is Cruz spitting on the spirit of Reagan?

Cuban Conservatism equals pissing match by ashamed kinda Latinos.

Ben Ghazi has magical powers, if properly applied it sticks to most everything it touches. With the exception of future female Presidents.

I guess when Obama loosened sanctions against Cuba, its two favorite sons decided to loosen their lips. They think that they are duking it out in a Presidential run but everyone else sees two young and inexperienced immigrants making a joke of our Democracy.

Well, I am afraid it is Tierney/TPM, who used the term “US Military Intervention”, which actually was a very smart policy move by the US Administration, letting the NATO forces doing most of the work.

Let’s talk about the ultimate political correctness run amok: this Republican pretense that Bush achieved anything resembling success in Iraq, to avoid hurting the feelings of veterans and widows who might otherwise feel they were sacrificed for nothing.

Heh, I had forgotten about the Friedman Unit.

“If you look at President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and for that matter some of the more aggressive Washington neo-cons, they have consistently mis-perceived the threat of radical Islamic terrorism and have advocated military adventurism that has had the effect of benefiting radical Islamic terrorists,”

Will wonders never cease. Cruz actually said something I agree with, though he should have included George W Bush and Dick Cheney in there as well. And to be fair, Obama has been less enthusiastic about military intervention than Cruz says. But the general theme that our military adventures in the Middle East and Africa have made the situation worse still holds.

I don’t doubt that Cruz is simply going for a momentary political advantage in this, and will go back to interventionism when it suits him.

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