Discussion: Creeper Trump Barged Into Dressing Room At His Miss Teen USA Pageant

He was just looking for the future Mrs. Trump. Malaria can’t last forever. And according to The Donald it’s “Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.”


Because freedumb means child rape.

Its nothing at all "when your a star they let you do it’ how do the parents of those 15 year old feel about this revelation. No one is above human decency not even Mr.Trump as he likes to be called! His creepy supporters are ok with this behavior you see the T shirts they are wearing? the dregs of humanity He is them and they are him America. The Evangelical hypocrites are for HIM!


For reasons only a skilled psychiatrist could understand, a large minority of people here hate Hillary so intensely they would support even Hitler to avoid voting for her.


Locker room talk, dressing room gawk. Something something Culture of Responsibility and Ending the Culture of Entitlement, yaddah yaddah…


What fatuous twaddle.

Trump admitted to all this—on tape and video—and all of his deranged supporters try to deflect by talking about accusationsmade by other right-wing useful idiots—against Clinton, Gore and anyone else they hate.

None of those accusations has proved to be true.

You have revealed yourself—once again—to be both credulous and easily gulled.


Sorry, the whole concept of “beauty contests” is to view women and girls as objects, owned by men. Trump fits in very well in that group.


Now, I’m gonna see yours, because I’m the owner.


If this is what does it, fine. But a year and a half of Trump victimizing people of every gender and ethnicity, stealing their money and labor and dignity, and what tips the scale is him being pervy to pretty white ladies? Like I said, whatever it takes to get us through November, but this country depresses me sometimes.


Trump is a GENIUS! Everyone else sees the sign on the Ladies’ Room saying “Women.” No one else thinks: “If I barge in I might see a naked lady!” But Trump does! A GENIUS!


Whether you are sorry or not or like beauty contests or not, there still must be written rules Trump violated.


It’s good to be the king. (Apologies to Mel Brooks.)


Nothing he could do would cost him his hardcore support. Nothing.


What Trump did is a kind of grooming, getting these girls used to being exposed and calling it normal, thus blurring the line in their minds of what kind of behavior they can legitimately object to. This is basically how most sexual predators who prey on acquaintances work. Normalizing this behavior by saying things like “I’ve seen it before, no need to worry,” is just a few steps away from Jerry Sandusky taking showers with kids because that’s what guys do in a locker room. I am so angry. I am so angry that any person would excuse this by saying it happened a long time ago or that it was no big deal because he didn’t touch anyone.


“I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’”

Not a man; it’s the Irresistible Donald Trump, Commander of Tic-Tacs and Grabber of P___ies everywhere.


Even if the accusations against Bill, AL etc were true, they are smart enough not brag about it. And at any rate, none of them are on the ticket. So yes, the fact that it was Trump is the problem, see he is the GPO’s candidate for the most powerful position on earth. You seem to have missed that little wrinkle.


Yeah, they also don’t include under age girls. So there’s that too.

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Billado said that Trump said something along the lines of, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before,” when he walked into the room.
Half-dressed teenage girls? Where?

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This one is pretty easy for conservatives. They are highly distressed about men entering women’s bathrooms. I’m sure they’ll feel even stronger that a straight man shouldn’t be in a dressing room with underage women. I expect Trump’s poll numbers will drop to 3% immediately.


Your not the only one that’s been noticing that. It’s really depressing.

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