Discussion: Close Poll Indicates Chuck Grassley Is In The Senate Race Of His Career

Amazing. My family and friends in Iowa (I was born and raised there) tell me his opponent is one of the weaker people the Democrats could have chosen. A few weeks ago they gave he no chance.

This guy is 82 years old. He is a walking advertisement for term limits and a mandatory retirement age. He’s been sucking on the government teat since 1959 - time for him to go.


Everybody, please join me in contributing to the Patty Judge for Senate campaign, right here: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/pj062016?utm_source=web_web&refcode=web_web&utm_campaign=web&utm_medium=web

Let’s help kick Grassley out!


He may be able to pull it out, since he decided not to do his job.

Unless he lazes away the months catching up on Lost, he may be able to campaign enough to convince enough voters that they need to keep paying him to do nothing.

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Seeing Granny’ Grassley’s ol’ ass shown the door would absolutely make my year!



Grassly is not a constitutionalist nor a loyal American. He’s a political hack who doesn’t deserve another term.

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That’s Gr ASS ley to all who know or have ever met him.


Pretty crazy way for old Chuck to go down after he challenged President Obama to nominate a qualified person like Merrick Garland to begin with. Love Patty’s campaign slogan, “I’m the Judge that Chuck Grassley can’t ignore”.


Patty Judge is 72, not a good age at which to begin a Senate career. She would also be one of the most conservative Dems in the Senate if she wins. Rob Hogg was a much better option but the DC Dems pushed him aside in favor of Judge. Having said all that I would still be delighted to see her defeat Grassley. My first memories of him are when he was in the IA legislature in the '60s and was crusading against sex education in the public schools. His Neanderthal outlook has remained consistent since then.


I agree with you, Plucky, that there may have been an advance deal worked out with Judge Garland prior to the nomination. Only a select few would know for sure. My only point was that I do not see it coming out in a manner that makes it look like President Obama had anything to do with it. It would be structured as coming from Judge Garland in the form of a withdrawal for some unspecified personal reason, a letter that was probably signed the day that President Obama made the announcement.

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On the up side, Iowa voters are at least somewhat less idiotic than Kansas voters.

Maybe it’s because Iowa doesn’t have a Kris Kobach.

From your keyboard to the FSM’s noodle earball.

Need to make this happen:

Donate to beat Grassley

Donate to beat McCain


We’ve seen these polls before. Somehow these do-nothing Republicans seem able to get enough brain-dead constituents to come out and vote and get them re-elected.


Yes. And the conventions, debates have yet to happen. Iowans will not respond positively to a bunch of neo-Nazis and white supremacists hijacking the convention. I’d expect a double digit 10 or 11 point lead now to morph into 15-20 come November. And no sitting senator could weather such a landslide, let alone the second most visible senator to block Garland.


I think Grassley has yet to experience the full drag of Trump’s campaign also.


Only if he has to linger on in misery while he watches the rotten issue of his mendacious career crash and burn before his watery rheumy eyes.


I read an article about two years ago. In it, Grassley bragged that he wouldn’t let anyone in his family say the word “Obama” because, he claimed, it was a dirty word.

I’ve always thought the article wasn’t true, or a snide bit of humor. But, I’ve been hoping for his downfall ever since.


How ironic that the word “Grassley” will become someone who lacks integrity.


Bullshit. The small town Iowans that I know (and I know a lot of them, being married into an Iowan family) are pretty thoughtful and intelligent people.

Why does any state that elects senators have a say in the country? It’s because that’s how the Constitution dictated it. Article 1, Section 3.

Backwater? Neanderthal? Don’t be a jerk.

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