Discussion: Clinton, Sanders Camps Duke It Out Over NY Debate Scheduling

Sanders campaign runs on outrage. This is just the two-minute hate of the day.


You mean 50 thousand answerfrog.

But don´t let a 1000% exaggeration get in the way of a good smear, eh?


No, he doesn´t give a whit about women´s issues. He just got the 100% ratings for 10 years running in spite of the fact that he just doesn´t care.


While this back and forth between the candidates is a bit amusing, the press has finally started reporting that Drumpf has zero chances of winning, now that they are looking at the electoral map.


there’s a leap.
and it should be
“contributions from people who work in corporations that creates the influence”
which is a bigger leap


You smear Sanders, I correct you, and yet I have made the personal attack.

Got it.

And one more time, since you seem to be ignoring the point: Greenpeace asked Sanders and Clinton to stop accepting money from the oil and gas industry in January; Sanders said yes, Clinton did not. They didn´t ask for, or expect, that the candidates would give back the money given to their campaigns, which in any event was more in Clinton´s case, not including the money her superpacs had received.


Actually Professor, Sanders is waging a very negative campaign. He’s attacking her for participating in a corrupt system – but all the personal character attacks – lying and corruption – are done by his surrogates. Its a stealth strategy to keep him above the fray while his foot soldiers poison the well. Now I see his NY surrogates are going after Obama. Interesting development. I hope someone asks Sanders directly about this. Obama is quite popular with the majority of democrats. Any perception of the Sanders campaign trashing Obama is not going to go over well with them. In fact, I have been trying to hold on to my respect for Sanders, but when he goes after Obama – hell if that doesn’t make my blood boil.


According to the Clinton campaign (unless they’ve reversed course again), they now want a NY debate. According to the Sanders campaign, they want one too. They’ve both already agreed to do two more debates. So they get to accommodate each other. Hillary doesn’t get rewarded with special debate-scheduling privileges just because she’s signaled that she’s open to breaking her promises. Nope, they just have to negotiate and come to consensus as equals, as hard as that may be for Team Hillary to swallow.

All that being said, I predict within a few days we’ll have a NY date agreed to. Ideally they would agree to the one in NY, and also the final one, and avoid going through this silly little exercise again in a couple of weeks. But that may or may not be possible (my guess is Team Bernie will want one in California, Team Hillary will not) and if not, we’ll probably have a similar little kerfuffle in a few weeks.


Oh yeah?
There is the little matter of him not having ant women among his top ten advisors.
And encouraging the view that “it is sexist to want a woman president”
And not speaking up when his surrogate Susan Sarandon reduced Clinton to “a vagina”
And not speaking up when his supporters and campaign villified a feminist icon, Gloria Steinem
And marginalizing Clinton’s supporters as middle aged women.

I have never felt as beat up for being a woman as I have in this primary. So, no, not perfect.


Yeah, yeah. Doesn’t she know that the day before the ball game, Berns has to buy snacks!!

I mean, come on…


Hell, sure. Why not. /s

That said, I understand that Hillary declined to sign Greenpeace’s pledge. She’s not receiving money directly from the oil, gas and extractive industry, if I understand this argument properly. The money her campaign has accepted–and continues to accept, is from employees who happen to work in he industry. Also, if I understand it right, some of them are people who are lobbyist for, among others, the oil industry?

Okay, she declined to sign the Greenpeace pledge. She decided to accept from employees. Bernie decided to no longer, from whatever date that was. Was he asked to return the monies he’d already accepted? No. Okay.

Did I get that right? Or do you guys want to shout more at me and correct me a whole bunch more?

Let me say it once more: I will vote for Bernie Sanders if he is the Democratic nominee. I will also send him what little bit I can afford. Wanna holler at me for that?


… in that “it’s just really not that important to him.”

Only your strawman thinks that Sanders has any blemish on his pro-choice record. Now gun control, that’s different.


It won’t go over well with me either. He’s running against Hillary – not President Obama. If he has any control over his people, he needs to impress upon them that attacking Obama will backfire.


What you forget is that while she agreed to two more debates, there was no agreement about a NY debate nor was there any agreement about when. Still, she offered him three different dates, and as usual the Sanders camp lies by omission about what they were offered. More and more, Sanders seems like the kind of person who, no matter how hard one tries, can never be pleased. I almost wonder if the point of demanding another debate was just so that he could use her hesitancy to continue to paint her as dishonest, having something to hide. For all we know, he may not have had any intention of debating her.


“Those marshmallows could put your eye out.”

Honestly, I have no idea on earth what Billy Martin could ever have said that would have any bearing on this. Yogi, on the other hand, maybe…

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He’d rather his supporters go with the smears they put out there.

Most people aren’t going to pay attention. Most in states left have made up their minds, It’s only those who try to invent controversy that certainly seem to squirm when questioned.


Berns demands more debates (a/k/a free advertising in the NY ad market), yet none of the dates are good enough for him…

At this point what else could you possibly have to say? We could just watch repeats to hear your one hit wonder (a noun, a verb, and Wall Street).


Sorry, poopypants, you are starting to smell, and I’m afraid I can never look at you the same way again.

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Come on sophie, can we put this silly argument to rest. Individual donors who work for say …GS, that make a personal contribution to their favored candidate is NOT the same as a lobbyist working in financial services industry, working with bundlers and Super Pacs who backdoor millions in contributions from GS to Clinton! That individual GS’ employee on-line $100 contribution to HRC or Sanders WILL NOT get him/her in to see President Clinton or Senator Clinton, or even Representative Clinton. But LLoyd Blankfein or Jamie Diamond WILL get into the Oval Office. It’s one of a lobbyist’s main missions, to get their clients in front of the person that can positively effect that client’s company’s profits, for today and tomorrow.

Sen Sanders receiving say $50,000 in individual contributors from 100 GS employees does not buy influence. Stop hanging on to stupid easily refutable arguments. You’re wasting your time.


Stop wasting yours.

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