Discussion: Carson: The President Wouldn't Have To Follow SCOTUS On Gay Marriage

Well, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that having professional degrees, even from prestigious universities, doesn’t keep you from being a loony about politics. Gohmert! Yoho! Cruz! Earning that degree and working in those fields doesn’t necessarily give you more knowledge or better judgment than some yahoo on a barstool somewhere.


He is a carnival barker. Crazy nutso statements generate lots o money. The limped brained tea bugs pay big bucks to hear him vomit noise.


OH that mom and computers comment just has me telling this tale… and every, every word is true… A Dow 100 Company branch Controller from SF called NY Corp HQ to complain that something was wrong with the software because every time she entered the data she had nothing to show for it. She mentioned that she had written everything onto the “cheat sheet” provided, so why was nothing being reported. The HQ Accounting Manager burst out laughing so hard her coffee was snorted. I happened to be in her office for a meeting when this call came in. Acct Manager told Controller that she needed to scan the data in. Controller asked how, Manager told her the reason the keyboard was slanted was to allow the Controller to slip the “cheat sheet” under the keyboard, back to front. Once this was completed the data would be scanned and available. Well you know where I am going, a couple of minutes later the Controller called back and said it did not work. About the Controller’s Admin came back from lunch and completed the work handing her the confirmation report about 5 minutes later. Controller actually wrote a memo to HQ Senior Controller demanding the process be corrected.

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the term idiot savant comes to mind


imPeaches ‘n’ sCream Carson.

…and there are folks who would vote for this HBB man. (HatesBeingBlack)

Is not that what Bushie stated about the Bill of Rights, just another piece of paper when he was pushing the Patriot Act.


Yup, exactly.

Except he called it a "god damned piece of paper " IIRC.


He seems to engaging in selective reading. Article 3 says:

“The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States…”


Well, that’s the beauty of tech stuff, the blustering boss types can’t bully it into working, you have to actually do it right no matter what your title is or how loudly you can yell.


The only way to be more spectacularly wrong would have been to sing it while tapdancing through a laser show in a sequined jumpsuit.

Fucking christ these people are morons.


Typical GOP response, laws for thee but not for me.


Yeah-stick with the medicining, asshat, and leave the politics/law to people who are qualified!

Meanwhile we actually have a president who was a “Constitutional Scholar”!

Rand, Cruz, Carson, Fiorina…hey isn’t there a limit on how many 'not a chance in hell; candidates a political party can have in one election? I mean…dayum.

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He is Stunningly IGNORANT of how the Governing and Laws of the US work.
There is NO SUCH THING as a “Judicial Law”. WTF is he even talking about?


Delusions of grandeur, Ben?

It sounds like the neurosurgeon gave himself a lobotomy.

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I’ve been saying Jeb for the last 3 years. The only one that can trip that up is Walker, and I think all Jeb needs to do is assure the money people that he’s just as biddable and pliant as Walker.

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I shall leave this here:

Right…Marbury v. Madison just never fucking happened. 1803 is missing from his calendars. How could you fucking not know and understand what judicial review is and simultaneously think you’re fit to be POTUS? Just fucking retarded. It would be like trying to perform brain surgery without knowing what the frontal lobe or hypothalamus are for. Maybe that’s it…these fucking idiots lack frontal lobes…no executive function whatsoever…just mindless smooth-brained amoeba-level creatures running on the instinctual urges sent out by the medulla oblongata…helplessly in thrall to base desires and barely-formed concepts more felt than cogitated, like food and sex and “omg nigger”. How can anyone listen to this fucking nonsense without feeling a strong urge to just throw their hands up and give up all hope completely? It’s like 250+ years of the nation’s history never took place and they’re just gleefully rewriting it all because they somehow barely sense there’s like 250+ years of gaping emptiness in their understanding of the world and don’t know what else to fill it up with but whatever they want to hear. Seriously. How could someone sit across from this moron and listen to him say what he said and not jump ot of their chair raging and pulling their hair out? HOW? I’ve had ti for today. Had it.

/throws mic in dumpster

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