Discussion: Birthers Are Now Gunning For These 4 GOP Candidates

On August 4th, 1961 (Obama’s birth date), the prevailing legal authority would be the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (McCarran-Walter Act). This act states that in order for Obama’s right of blood citizenship to be passed to him, since he only had one parent who was a U.S. citizen at the time of birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 14. Barack Hussein Obama, II fails the test for the right to claim “natural born citizen” status.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

SEC. 301. (a) (7) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years…