Discussion: 3 Female Justices Dissent In First Post-Hobby Lobby Contraception Case

Wheaton College’s “primary purpose” is to “spread the faith”?

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In Finland, in the early 1970’s, as you rode the bus from the Seutula airport to downtown Helsinki the first big billboard that hit you was of three pretty girls in an office setting and the text said: “We only date guys who use Black Jacks” , the most popular condom at the time. My American friends just held their breath for a few seconds and then burst out laughing saying:“Never in America!”
Little did they know.
I know I’m at the outskirts of the topic at hand but just cannot help of thinking of safe sex. I totally agree that the prevention of unwanted pregnancies should not be only on the tab of the women, married or single and especially if raped or unable to carry a full term pregnancy without a grave threat to their own lives due to medical conditions of which there are many. And You, Bill O’Reilly, carpal tunnel syndrome is not one of them or were you just trying to be really silly…
So, having said all that, could we list Hobby Lobby, with it’s heavy investments in condom industry as one of the supporters of safe sex and this all just as a big PR thing for the future shining isles in all their stores displaying all kinds of fancy even glittery or google-eyed or ribbed condoms, which all of course would be available to all their female and male employees at heavy discounts.
The truth of the matter is safe sex and the prevention of an unwanted pregnancy is a wanted goal for all of us. With the knowledge we have today, this goal can be achieved by the informed use of contraceptives and condoms.
Let’s boikot Hobby Lobby until we see their glorious condom isles; lets boo the Supreme Court until they reverse their stupid rule and till then have compassion to those of us who just cannot afford the price of effective contraception.


You are solid winner.

Oh for the days of easy google-bombing.


Consequence-free form filling makes fetuses cry!


While religion is the cover, this whole business is about beating up on women, putting them “back in their place.” Along with rolling back civil right laws, this has been one of the primary goals of Scalia and the Federalist Society for decades. Back to the “good ole days.”

We can thank all those Democrats that rolled over for Alito, Roberts and Thomas, along with all those that didn’t stage a filibuster.


40 plus years of GOP appointments to all level of the judicial branch, driven by the falsehoods of Fred Koch, and the Federalists, and we wonder where liberty has gone?

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I mean when another lawyer gives Alito a C for his HL opinion …is there such a thing as getting them off the court for just being downright incompetent.


toooooo funny love it

That’s it. Not filing taxes anymore.


Actually, it’s not so funny at all. If they have to fill out the form in order for the contraception to be given then their participation is required. If the contraception would be given even if they don’t fill out the form then their participation is not required.

They…which side is saying that they don’t want to fill out the form…is probably going to win this case as well.

The administration should just 1)force all the companies to give the contraception to everyone by default. 2)Then allow religious institutions and closely-held and individually owned business who object to buy policies with the contraception and related cost taken out. Finally, 3) allow individuals who work for those places to opt in individually via EFT.

Problem solved, and nobody’s toes are stepped on.

I agree. And since free contraceptives lead to lower birth rates and lower costs, the cost of policies with them are lower. So the religious wingnuts can pay more for their policies. Which screws over the employees once again.


Standing ovation for LIFE!


Of course! The world needs to know about the dangers of Will Wheaton!


I don’t. You can hear the sucking sound from the black hole they’ve generated.

BTW Why the hell is SCOTUS handing down opinions on anything? I thought the term had ended – or is this form so egregious that Wheaton College just can’t handle looking at it until the next term?

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Perhaps not that long. Both Scalia and Kennedy are 76. If, as looks very likely from demographics and current political winds, a Democrat wins the presidency in 2016 and manages to get reelected, they would be 86 by the end of their second term.

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I don’t think I’m getting the nuances here. The act of filling out a form is now protected because of your religious beliefs? How does that work?

Say I’m a Quaker. And refuse to participate in war. The request by the government for me to officially state my position is now an infringement on my liberty?

Yes, Samuel Alito: you will be famous for years after this decision. But not for the reasons you probably yearn for.

Hobby Lobby wasn’t a narrow decision. The Justices knew so. Why else would Ginsburg write a 19 page dissent?

Alito can declare that it was a narrow decision. It wasn’t. And get used to a whole bunch of news about this.

Meanwhile, the bitter unavoidable truth is this: these “privately held” organizations are simply shifting their responsibilities to the federal government. Because FREEDOM means having the federal government do for you what you are unwilling to do for yourself.

And they call those needing aid moochers and takers. LMAO.


Jesus Christ…

And so it begins.

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I’d say the headline is a bit misleading. It implies there are more than 3 female justices.
How about ‘The 3 Female Justices…’ or (even better) ‘All Female Justices…’

The whole case stinks, but a point can and should be made, that the decision was made by 5 all-male justices. All female justices dissented from this as well as the original ruling.
Quite disturbing…

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I’ll take that suggestion

and suggesting it to my wife.

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